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Nashville Lower Stomach AirSculpt®

Flatten Your Lower Stomach With These Essential Exercises

Flatten Your Lower Stomach

When it comes to working out at the gym, an image that comes to many minds is a sculpted body with toned abs. Yet, there's quite an issue when it comes when incorporating ab exercises into your routine.

The issue is false expectations. Ab workouts are unable to make your abs pop out and burn fat. It's a myth that you're able to reduce fat within a specific area.

Ab exercises solely have the use of strengthening your core, and that's very important. Therefore, here's a list of activities that you should implement at least twice a week.

You're supposed to do these exercises with 45 seconds of rest between sets.

The list of exercises to do are the following:

  • Resisted single-leg stretch
  • U-boat
  • Reverse plank hover
  • Criss Cross lift and switch
  • Inching elbow plank
  • Full plank passe twist
  • Frog press

Other Ways To Flatten Lower Stomach 

It's important to understand that a healthy lifestyle involves two components: exercise and a proper diet.

The right and tried way to lose fat is by training at it in an overall manner. Your door to success in that area is through cardio and high-intensity interval training.

Alongside that, eat at a calorie deficit. Eat 500 calories less than your daily requirement each day. That's because burning off 3500 calories is equivalent to burning off one pound of fat!

Cosmetic Procedure To Flatten Lower Stomach

If the healthy lifestyle hasn't helped you flatten your lower stomach, then it is time that you opt for a cosmetic procedure. Your best bet is Elite Body Sculpture's Lower Stomach AirSculpt®, a minimally invasive process that doesn't use a scalpel, needle, or general anesthesia.

Our technique stimulates collagen production, seamlessly extracts fat, and tightens the skin, all at the same time. Elite Body Sculpture developed its technology under the premise that nobody should have to make changes to their body with processes that could be risky or result in medical complications.

The procedure is performed under the following steps:

  1. The Elite Body Sculpture surgeon uses an AirPen to numb the lower stomach, forgoing the need for a painful injection with a large neddle.
  2. A biopsy punch creates a 2-millimeter opening on the treatment area in a completely symmetric manner. 
  3. Local anesthetic is applied to the targeted area to soften and numb it for extraction.
  4. The AirSculpt® cannula is used to pluck excess fat by the cell and smooth contour irregularities in the area while simultaneously tightening the skin.
  5. The cannula is removed, and the two-millimeter openings are naturally left to heal, leaving an unnoticeable scar only the size of a freckle.

Elite Body Sculpture: The Best Option In Nashville

We take pride in our attention to detail and wholehearted-working staff. We want you to feel your best by working with the best. Head to Elite Body Sculpture Nashville for your first consultation. 


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