Dr. Raja Mohan

Dr. Mohan is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he majored in mathematics. MIT is consistently ranked as one of the top universities in the United States. He became interested in plastic surgery in his final year of undergraduate studies and performed a prestigious research fellowship at the National Institute of Health (NIH). His contributions led to publications in many of the highest-level scientific journals such as Nature and Neuron. He then attended the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and received a merit scholarship. At the University of Miami, he graduated in the top 5% of his class and was inducted into the national honor society Alpha Omega Alpha. He worked closely with the division of plastic surgery at the University of Miami and published many peer-reviewed publications in major plastic surgery journals. Dr. Mohan then successfully matched into the highly coveted integrated plastic surgery residency at the combined Johns Hopkins and University of Maryland plastic surgery program. The Johns Hopkins/University of Maryland plastic surgery program is one of the top-ranked plastic surgery programs, featuring extensive training in all aspects of plastic surgery. During his residency, Dr. Mohan completed a research fellowship under the tutelage of Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez, one of the world's premier plastic surgeons. He is credited with performing one of the most extensive face transplants in the world, and Dr. Mohan was a member of his team. After completing his residency, Dr. Mohan completed a one-year aesthetic surgery fellowship at Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute. This is a fellowship approved by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). Here he trained under world-renowned leaders in plastic surgery such as Dr. Rod J. Rohrich, Dr. A. Jay Burns, and Dr. Stephen H. Byrd. He developed highly specialized knowledge of cosmetic surgeries of the breast, body, and face. With his broad exposure and unparalleled training, Dr. Mohan began his private plastic surgery practice in the DFW metroplex. Dr. Mohan, his wife, and one daughter now call Dallas-Fort Worth their home. In his free time, he enjoys exercise, travel, and writing. One of the most rewarding aspects of Dr. Mohan’s career has been the opportunity to treat underprivileged patients in developing nations. He has been involved with mission trips to Haiti and India. Dr. Mohan’s philosophy is that each patient is unique, and he individualizes a plan for each one. He treats each patient with the utmost care and concern to achieve the best possible outcome. Many of his patients and colleagues recognize that he is a great listener with excellent bedside manner. He believes patient care always comes first, and he aims to provide concierge care for each patient.
Raja Mohan MD PA, Private Practice
Board Certified by American Board of Plastic Surgery, 2019
Based in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
July 2018-present
Aesthetic Surgery Fellow, Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute
Dallas, TX
July 2017-June 2018
Research Fellow,University of Maryland Medical Center
Composite Tissue Allotransplantation Laboratory
Principal Investigator: Dr. Eduardo D. Rodriguez
Baltimore, Maryland
July 2012-June 2013
Integrated Plastic Surgery Residency, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Department of Plastic,Reconstructive, and Maxillofacial Surgery
Baltimore, Maryland
July 2010-June 2017
M.D., University Of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Miami, Florida
August 2006 – May 2010
Post-baccalaureate Fellow, NIH/NINDS
Synaptic Transmission Section
Principal Investigator: Dr.Ling-Gang Wu
Bethesda, Maryland
July 2005-August 2006
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Major: Mathematics
August 2000 – December 2004
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal – Best Paper Award in Reconstructive Surgery , 2015
Johns Hopkins Plastic Surgery Research Symposium, 2nd place, 2013
Synthes Travel Grant for AO CMF Principles Course, 2012
Top 5% of graduating medical school class (rank 7/183), 2010
Eric Reiss Achievement in Medicine award (given to student with highest academic achievement in internal medicine rotation), 2009
Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society, 2009
Alpha Epsilon Lambda graduate honor society, 2008
John K Robinson Travel Grant, 2008
University of Miami Trustee Academic Tuition Scholarship, 2006
NIH Post-Baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award, 2005
Basic Life Support Certified Provider, expires Spring 2021
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certified Provider, expires Spring 2021
USMLE Step 1, passed June 2008; score 254(99)
USMLE Step 2CS, taken November 2009; passed
USMLE Step 2CK, passed March 2010; score 258(99)
USMLE Step 3, passed February 2013; score 250(92)
ABPS Written Examination, taken October 2017; passed
ABPS Oral Examination, taken November 2019; passed
Chen S, Gerken E, Zhang Y,Zhan M, Mohan R, Li A, Reid M, Li Y.Role of TNF-{alpha} signaling in regeneration of cardiotoxin-injured muscle,American Journal Physiology: Cell Physiology, 2005 Nov; 289(5): C1179-87.
He L, Wu X, Mohan R, Wu L. Fusion pore size and kinetics by cell-attached recording at a central synapse. Nature. 2006 Nov 2;444(7115):102-5.
He L, Wu X, Mohan R, Wu L. Cell- attached capacitance measurements at release sites of a central nerve terminal. Nature Protocols. 2006, DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2006.363.
Wu X, Xue L, Mohan R, Paradiso K, Gillis K, Wu L. X.The origin of quantal size variation: vesicular glutamate concentration plays a significant role. Journal of Neuroscience. 2007 Mar 14; 27(11):3046-56.
Mohan R, Iyer R,Thaller S. Airway Management in Patients with Facial Trauma. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2009 Jan; 20(1):21-23.
Mohan R, Panthaki Z,Armstrong M. Replantation in the Pediatric Hand. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2009 Jul; 20(4): 996-998
Ducic I, Endara M, Mohan R. Routine pathological evaluation of neuroma specimens: is there a rationale? J Reconstr Microsurg.2010 Oct;26(8):497-500. Epub 2010 Jun 29.
Mohan R, Peralta M,Perez R, Rosenkranz ER, Panthaki ZJ. Chest wall reconstruction in a pediatric patient with ectopia cordis. Ann Plast Surg. 2010 Aug;65(2):211-3.
Rueda S, Mohan R, Miller S, Iyer R, Armstrong M, Spector S. Abdominal wall reconstruction with Alloderm® in a patient with a massive endometrioma. AmSurg. 2010 Nov;76(11):E206-7.
Schulman CI, Carvajal D, Lopez P, Miller SM, Mohan R, Soffer D, Habib F, Ricci M. Transcardiac bullet embolus to the pulmonary vein. Am Surg. 2010 Dec;76(12):E233-4.
Wang HD, Mohan R, Goldberg N. The keloid strikes back. Eplasty. 2012;12:ic8.Epub 2012 May 24.
Avashia YJ, Mohan R, Berhane C, Oeltjen JC. Postoperative antibiotic prophylaxis for implant-based breast reconstruction with acellular dermal matrix. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Mar;131(3):453-61.
Shridharani SM, Mohan R. A 51-year-old man with HIV and cervicodorsal lipodystrophy (buffalo hump). JAMA. 2013 Mar 27;309(12):1289-90.
Mohan R, Brown EN, Borsuk DE, Christy MR, Bojovic B, Rodriguez ED,Dorafshar AH. Revisiting the Anatomic Relationship of the Marginal Mandibular Nerve and the Posterior Facial Vein: A Cadaveric Study. Ann Plast Surg. 2014 Apr;72(4):467-8.
Ohkuma R, Buretta K, Mohan R, Rosson GD, Rad AN. The use of fetal/neonatal bovine acellular dermal collagen matrix (SurgiMend™) for tissue expander breast reconstruction: a single surgeon's experience. JPRAS. 2013 Sep;66(9):1195-201.
Mohan R, Borsuk DE, Dorafshar AH, Wang HD, Bojovic B, Christy MR,Rodriguez ED. Aesthetic and Functional Facial Transplantation: A Classification System and Treatment Algorithm. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Feb;133(2):386-97.
OhkumaR, Mohan R, Baltodano PA, Lacayo MJ,Broyles JM, Schneider EB, Yamazaki M, Cooney DS, Manahan MA, Rosson GD. Abdominally based free flap planning in breast reconstruction with computed tomographic angiography: systematic review and meta-analysis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Mar;133(3):483-94.
Dorafshar AH, MohanR, Mundinger GS, Brown EN, Kelamis AJ, Bojovic B, Christy MR, Rodriguez ED.Reconstruction of Porcine Critical-Sized Mandibular Defects with Free Fibular Flaps: The Development of a Craniomaxillofacial Surgery Model. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2014 May;30(4):241-8.
Dorafshar AH, Brazio PS, Mundinger GS, Mohan R,Brown EN, Rodriguez ED. Found in Space: Computer-Assisted Orthognathic Alignment of a Total Face Allograft in Six Degrees of Freedom. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Sep;72(9):1788-800.
KhalifianS, Brazio PS, Mohan R, Shaffer C,Brandacher G, Barth RN, Rodriguez ED. Facial transplantation: the first 9years. Lancet. 2014 Dec
Schultz BD, Mohan R, Dorafshar AH, Gottlieb LJ. Chest wall, thymus, and heart vascularized composite allograft proof of concept cadaveric model for heart
transplantation. Ann Plast Surg. 2014 Jul;73(1):102-4.
Kochhar A, Wu I, Mohan R, Condé-Green A, HillelAT, Byrne PJ, Elisseeff JH. A comparison of the rheologic properties of anadipose-derived extracellular matrix biomaterial, lipoaspirate, calcium hydroxylapatite, and cross-linked hyaluronic acid. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2014 Nov-Dec;16(6):405-9.
Sabino J, Lucas DJ, Mohan R, Singh DP,Rodriguez ED, Bluebond-Langner R, ValerioI. Predictors of flap and limb salvage failure in trauma reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Oct;134(4 Suppl 1):29-30.
Mohan R,Fisher M, Dorafshar A, Sosin M, Bojovic B, Gandhi D, Iliff N, Rodriguez ED. Principles of face transplant revision: beyond primary repair. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Dec; 134(6):1295-304.
Dorafshar AH, Mundinger GS, Mohan R, Brown EN,Kelamis JA, Bojovic B, Christy M, Rodriguez ED. Comparison of free fibular flaps with reamer-irrigator-aspirator bone grafts for the reconstruction of critical-sized mandibular defects. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Nov;25(6):1953-8.
Mohan R,Hui-Chou HG, Wang HD, Nam AJ, Magarakis M, Mundinger GS, Brown EN, Kelamis AJ,Christy MR, Rodriguez ED. Physiologic changes with abdominal wall reconstruction in a porcine abdominal compartment syndrome model. Hernia. 2015 Apr;19(2):313-21.
Schultz BD, Sosin M, Nam A, Mohan R, Zhang P, Khalifian S, Vranis N, Manson PN, Bojovic B, Rodriguez ED. Classification of mandible defects and algorithm for microvascular reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Apr;135(4):743e-54e.
Tadisina KK, Chopra K, Mohan R, Singh DP.Nationwide Incidence, Cost, and Epidemiologic Trends in Facial Rhytidectomy: An Examination of Inpatient Facelifts Using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS)Database. Aesthet Surg J. 2015 Nov;35(8):NP266-8.
Lopez J, Lopez S, Means J, Mohan R, Soni A,Milton J, Tufaro A, May JW, Dorafshar, A. Financial Conflicts of Interest: An Association between Funding and Finding in Plastic Surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Jun;137(6):1067e-8e.
Mohan R,Wong VW, Higgins JP, Katz RD. Proximalization of the Vascularized Toe Joint in Finger Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Reconstruction: A Technique to Derive Optimal Flexion From a Joint With Expected Limited Motion. J Hand Surg Am. 2017 Feb;42(2):e125-e132.
Klatsky SA, Mohan R. The History of ASAPS onits 50th Anniversary. Aesthet Surg J. 2017 May 17.
Manahan MA, Baltodano PA, Reinhardt ME, Xie L, Muste JC, Tajamal R, Mohan R, Flores JM, Drogt C, Cooney CM,Rosson GD. Psychosocial and Aesthetic Advantages of Reconstruction after Prophylactic Mastectomy: A Quality of Life and Aesthetic Analysis. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2017 Jun 12.
DelVecchio DA, Villanueva NL, Mohan R,Johnson B, Wan D, Venkataram A, Rohrich RJ. Clinical Implications of Gluteal Fat Graft Migration: A Dynamic Anatomical Study. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018 Nov;142(5):1180-1192.
Mohan R, Lee C, Iyer R, Evans G, Thaller S. Influence of Radiation Therapy on Surgical Management of Head and Neck Tumor-Related Defects. Plastic Surgery Hyperguide. <http://www.plasticsurgery.hyperguides.com>
Mohan R, Fan K, Iyer R, Thaller S. Ear Reconstruction. Plastic Surgery Hyperguide. <http://www.plasticsurgery.hyperguides.com>
Fan K, Mohan R, Perez R, Thaller S. Periorbital Anatomy. Plastic Surgery Hyperguide. <http://www.plasticsurgery.hyperguides.com>
Guyuron B, Totonchi A, Mohan R. Facial Analysis. In J Zins(Ed.), Handbook of Craniofacial Surgery. Hackensack, NJ. World Scientific Publishing Company.
FanK, Mohan R, Thaller S. Cleft Lip and Palate Repair: Anatomy, Embryology, and Repair In Dayicioglu D, Thaller S, Oeltjen, J, Fan K. (Ed.),Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: The Essentials. Hackensack, NJ.World Scientific Publishing Company
FanK, Mohan R, Thaller S. Microtia In Dayicioglu D, Thaller S,Oeltjen, J, Fan K. (Ed.), Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: TheEssentials. Hackensack, NJ. World Scientific Publishing Company.
Mohan R, Contributed Absite review questions In Meguid R, VanArendonk K, and Lipsett P. (Ed.), The Johns Hopkins ABSITE Review Manual,Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.
Mohan R, Rodriguez ED. Free Tissue Transfer and Abdominal Wall Reconstruction. In Nahabedian M, Bhanot P (Ed.), Abdominal Wall Reconstruction. Woodbury, CT. Cine-Med, Inc.
Shridharani S, Mohan R, Sacks JM. Pedicled Anterolateral Thigh Flaps. In Shokrollahi K, Whitaker I, Cantab P, Nahai F (Ed.), International Flap Manual:A Practical Guide to Reconstructive Surgery. Shrewsbury, UK. TFM Publishing Ltd.
Shridharani S, Mohan R, Sacks JM. Current Options for PerinealReconstruction. In Shokrollahi K, Whitaker I, Cantab P, Nahai F (Ed.),International Flap Manual: A Practical Guide to Reconstructive Surgery.Shrewsbury, UK. TFM Publishing Ltd.
Shridharani S, Ramirez A, Mohan R, Sacks JM. Free Latissimus Dorsi Flaps. In Shokrollahi K, Whitaker I, Cantab P, Nahai F (Ed.), International Flap Manual: A Practical Guide to Reconstructive Surgery. Shrewsbury, UK. TFM Publishing Ltd.
Mohan R, Zhang PM, Rodriguez ED.Reconstruction of Anterior Defects of the Mandible. In Greenberg, A (Ed.),Craniomaxillofacial Reconstructive and Corrective Bone Surgery - Principles of Internal Fixation Using AO/ASIF Technique. Astoria, NY. Springer Publishing.
Mohan R, Chandawarkar A,Sacks JM. Congenital Deformities of the Breast. In Basu B., Patel S. (Ed.),Cosmetic Breast Surgery. New York, NY. Thieme Publishing.
Ducic I, Mohan R, Endara M, Al-Attar A. Routine Pathology Evaluation for Neuroma Excision: Is There a Rationale? 2010 American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Annual Meeting, Boca Raton, FL, USA, January 9-12,2010.Buretta K, Mohan R, Ohkuma R, Manahan M, Rosson G.Evaluation of Tissue Expander Breast Reconstruction with Bovine Acellular Dermal
Collagen Sheets: A Preliminary Analysis. The 54th Annual Meeting of the Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons conjoined with The Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons and The Maryland Society of Plastic Surgeons, White Sulphur Springs, WV, June 4, 2011
Berhane C, Avashia Y, Mohan R, Oeltjen J. Post-Operative Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction with AlloDermTissue Matrix. The 80th Annual American Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting, Denver, CO, September 24, 2011.
Ohkuma R, Mohan R, Broyles J, Yamazaki M, Schneider E, Rosson G. AbdominalBased Free Flap Planning in Breast Reconstruction with CT Angiography -Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 57th Annual Plastic Surgery Research Council, Ann Arbor, MI. June 14-15, 2012.
Ohkuma R, Mohan R, Broyles J, Yamazaki M, Schneider E, Rosson G. AbdominalBased Free Flap Planning in Breast Reconstruction with CT Angiography - Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 3rd Annual Johns Hopkins/University of Maryland Plastic Surgery Resident and Faculty Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD. June 21, 2012.
Mohan R, Avashia Y,Berhane C, Oeltjen J. Post-Operative Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction with AlloDerm Tissue Matrix. 3rd Annual Johns Hopkins/University of Maryland Plastic Surgery Resident and Faculty Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD. June 21, 2012.
Baez ML, Mohan R, DiBiagio J, Baltodano P, Sarhane K, Xie L, Seal S, KarianL, Sacks JM, Manahan M, Rosson GD. Immediate Flap Reconstruction of the Perineum after Total Pelvic Exenteration or Abdominoperineal Resection: A Systematic Review. 2013 American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery Annual Meeting, Naples, FL. January 14, 2013.
Mohan R, Hui-Chou HG,Wang HD, Nam AJ, Magarakis M, Mundinger GS, Brown EN, Kelamis AJ, Jones L,Drachenberg CB, Price LA, Christy MR, Rodriguez ED. Physiologic Changes with Abdominal Wall Reconstruction in a Porcine Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Model. 58th Annual Plastic Surgery Research Council, Santa Monica, CA. May 2-4, 2013.
Bailey C, Ohkuma R, Mohan R, Rad AN, Manahan MA, Sacks JM,Cooney DS, Tsangaris T, Rosson GD. Quality of Life Outcomes Associated with Nipple Sparing Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction. 58th Annual Plastic Surgery Research Council, Santa Monica, CA. May 2-4, 2013.
Mohan R, Mundinger GS,Brown EN, Kelamis JA, Bojovic B, Christy MR, Dorafshar AH, Rodriguez ED.Comparison of Free Fibular Flaps to Reamer-Irrigator-Aspirator (RIA) Putty for Reconstruction of Critical Sized Porcine Mandibular Defects. 58th Annual Plastic Surgery Research Council, Santa Monica, CA. May 2-4, 2013.
Mohan R, Mundinger GS,Brown EN, Kelamis JA, Bojovic B, Christy MR, Dorafshar AH, Rodriguez ED.Comparison of Free Fibular Flaps to Reamer-Irrigator-Aspirator (RIA) Bone Grafts for Reconstruction of Critical-Sized Porcine Mandibular Defects. 4th Annual Johns Hopkins/University of Maryland Plastic Surgery Resident and Faculty Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD. June 20 2013.
Nam A, Mohan R, Zhang PM, Khalifian S, Schultz B, Vranis N, Rodriguez ED.Classification of Mandible Defects and Algorithm for Microvascular Reconstruction. 4th Annual Johns Hopkins/University of Maryland Plastic Surgery Resident and Faculty Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD. June 202013.
Sabino J, Mohan R, Matthews JA, Valerio I, Singh DP, Rodriguez ED,Bluebond-Langner R. Patients and Outcomes Comparisons between Civilian and Military Trauma Undergoing Limb Salvage. 4th Annual Johns Hopkins/University of Maryland Plastic Surgery Resident and Faculty Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD. June 20 2013.
Bailey CR, Ohkuma R, Mohan R, Rad AN, Manahan MA, Sacks JM,Cooney DS, Tsangaris T, Rosson GD. Quality of Life Outcomes Associated with Nipple Sparing Mastectomy, 7th Biennial Meeting of the World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Chicago, IL. July 2013
Sabino J, Mohan R, Valerio I, Singh DP, Fleming M, Rodriguez ED,Bluebond-Langner R. The Latest Review on Comparisons and Outcomes in Extremity Coverage and Salvage Between an Established Civilian and Military Trauma Center of Excellence. SOMOS, Vail, CO, USA, December 2013.
Mohan R, Borsuk D,Dorafshar AH, Wang HD, Bojovic B, Christy MR, Rodriguez ED. Aesthetic and Functional Facial Transplantation: A Classification System and Treatment Algorithm . 2014 American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery Annual Meeting, Kauai, HI. January 12, 2014.
Nam A, Mohan R, Zhang P, Khalifian S, Schultz B, Vranis N, Rodriguez ED.Classification of Mandible Defects and Algorithm for Microvascular Reconstruction. 2014 American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery Annual Meeting, Kauai, HI. January 14, 2014.
Sabino J, Lucas DJ, Mohan R, Singh DP, Rodriguez ED,Bluebond-Langner R, Valerio I. Predictors of Flap and Limb Salvage Failure in Civilian and War Trauma. 31st Annual Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting, Providence, RI, September 2014.
SabinoJ, Lucas DJ, Mohan R, Singh DP,Rodriguez ED, Bluebond-Langner R, Valerio I. Predictors of flapand limb salvage failure in trauma reconstruction. Plastic Surgery 2014 The Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 2014.
Mohan R, Borsuk DE,Dorafshar AH, Wang HD, Bojovic B, Christy MR, Rodriguez ED. Aesthetic and Functional Facial Transplantation: A Classification System and Treatment Algorithm. 6th Annual Johns Hopkins/University of Maryland Plastic Surgery Resident and Faculty Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD. June 2015.
Mohan R, Sosin M,Fisher M, Dorafshar AH, Bojovic B, Gandhi D, Iliff NT, Rodriguez ED. Principles of Face Transplant Revision: Beyond Primary Repair. 7th Annual Johns Hopkins/University of Maryland Plastic Surgery Resident and Faculty Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD. June 2016.
Mohan R, He L, Wu X,Wu L. Modeling Two Modes of Fusion Pore Opening Revealed by Cell-Attached Recordings Using MCell Simulations. 2007 Eastern Atlantic Student Research Forum. Miami, FL, USA. Feb 2007.
Mohan R, Salinas J,Kochhar A, Nathan N, DeGennaro VA. History of the Project Medishare Surgical Specialties Program from 2002-2007. 2007 Annual Florida Medical Association Meeting. Hollywood, FL, USA. August 2007.
Rao R, Ashlock B, Mohan R, DeGennaro VA. Project Medishare Surgical Specialty Program. 17th Annual Global Health Education Council International Conference. Sacramento, CA, USA, April 3-5. 2008.
Mohan R, Perez R, GilJ, Rivas Y, Valdes J, Davis S. In-vitro study of biofilm development by various strains of Staphylococcus aureus. 2008 International Symposium on Advanced Wound Care and Wound Healing Society Meeting. San Diego, CA, USA. April 24-27,2008.
Ohkuma R, Mohan R, Broyles J, Yamazaki M, Schneider E, Rosson G. AbdominalBased Free Flap Planning in Breast Reconstruction with CT Angiography -Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. The 91st Annual American Association of Plastic Surgeons Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 14-17, 2012.
Bailey CR, Ogbuagu B, OhkumaR, Mohan R, Baltodano P, Rad AN,Manahan MA, Sacks JM, Cooney DS, Tsangaris T, Rosson GD. Quality of Life Outcomes Associated with Nipple Sparing Mastectomy. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Medical Student Research Day, Baltimore, MD, January 2013
Bailey CR, Ogbuagu B, OhkumaR, Mohan R, Baltodano P, Rad AN,Manahan MA, Sacks JM, Cooney DS, Tsangaris T, Rosson GD. Nipple Sparing Mastectomy Improves Quality of Life Outcomes Following Breast Reconstruction.7th Annual Johns Hopkins Department of Surgery Research Poster Session,Baltimore, MD, February 2013.
Kocchar A, Wu I, Conde-GreenA, Mohan R, Elisseeff J, Byrne P. A comparison of the rheological properties of an adipose-derived extracellular matrix biomaterial, calcium hydroxylapatite and cross-linked hyaluronic acid.AAFPRS Spring Scientific Meeting in conjunction with COSM Spring Meetings,Orlando, FL. April 10-14, 2013.
Mohan R, Mundinger GS,Brown EN, Kelamis JA, Bojovic B, Christy MR, Dorafshar AH, Rodriguez ED.Comparison of Free Fibular Flaps to Reamer-Irrigator-Aspirator (RIA) Putty for Reconstruction of Critical Sized Porcine Mandibular Defects. Poster Presentation, The 92nd Annual American Association of Plastic Surgeons Meeting, New Orleans, LA. April 22, 2013.
Brazio PS, Ha JS,Munivenkatappa R, Mohan R, Brown EN,Rodriguez ED, Bartlett ST, Barth RN. Irradiation and T Cell Depletion Augment Bone Marrow-derived Chimerism at the Cost of Morbidity and Mortality in a Non-human Primate Model of Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation. The 92nd Annual American Association of Plastic Surgeons Meeting, New Orleans, LA. April 22, 2013.
Mohan R, Hui-Chou HG,Wang HD, Nam AJ, Magarakis M, Mundinger GS, Brown EN, Kelamis AJ, Jones L,Drachenberg CB, Price LA, Christy MR, Rodriguez ED. Physiologic Changes with Abdominal Wall Reconstruction in a Porcine Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Model. The 92nd Annual American Association of Plastic Surgeons Meeting, New Orleans, LA. April 22, 2013.
Bailey C, Ohkuma R, Mohan R, Rad AN, Manahan MA, Sacks JM,Cooney DS, Tsangaris T, Rosson GD. Quality of Life Outcomes Associated withNipple Sparing Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction. The 92nd Annual American Association of Plastic Surgeons Meeting, New Orleans, LA. April 22,2013.
Bailey C, Ohkuma R, Mohan R, Rad AN, Manahan MA, Sacks JM,Cooney DS, Tsangaris T, Rosson GD. Quality of Life Outcomes Associated withNipple Sparing Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction. 5th Annual Johns Hopkins/University of Maryland Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Research Symposium, Baltimore, MD, June 2013.
Bailey CR, Ogbuagu O, OhkumaR, Mohan R, Baltodano P, Manahan MA,Sacks JM, Cooney DS, Rosson GD. Quality of Life Outcomes Improve with NippleSparing Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction. World Congress of Surgery,Obstetrics, Trauma and Anesthesia, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, October 16-17, 2013.
Kocchar A, Wu I, Conde-GreenA, Mohan R, Elisseeff J, Byrne P. A comparison of the rheological properties of an adipose-derived extracellular matrix biomaterial, calcium hydroxylapatite and cross-linked hyaluronic acid.AAFPRS Fall Meeting in New Orleans, LA, Oct. 19-21, 2013.
Sabino J, Mohan R, Singh DP, Rodriguez ED, Bluebond-Langner R, ValerioI. Late amputation after limb salvage in civilian and military trauma patients. American Association for Hand Surgery Annual Meeting, Kauai, HI,January 2014.
Sabino J, Mohan R, Lucas DJ, Valerio I, Singh DP, Rodriguez ED,Bluebond-Langner R. Patient and Outcomes Comparisons Between Civilian and Military Trauma Undergoing Limb Salvage. 31st Annual Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting, Providence, RI, September 2014.
Sabino J, Mohan R, Lucas DJ, Valerio I, Singh DP, Rodriguez ED,Bluebond-Langner R. Patients and Outcomes Comparisons between Civilian and Military Trauma Undergoing Limb Salvage. American College of Surgeons 2014 Clinical Congress, San Francisco, CA, October 2014
Nam A, Mohan R, Zhang P, Khalifian S, Schultz B, Vranis N, Rodriguez ED.Classification of Mandible Defects and a Novel Algorithm for Microvascular Reconstruction. American College of Surgeons 2014 Clinical Congress, San Francisco, CA, October 2014.
Mohan R,Fisher M, Dorafshar A, Sosin M, Bojovic B, Gandhi D, Iliff N, Rodriguez ED. Principles of face transplant revision: beyond primary repair. American Society of Reconstructive Transplantation, Chicago, IL, November 2014.
Tadisina K, Chopra K, Mohan R, Singh D. Nationwide Incidence,Cost, and Healthcare Outcome Trends in Facial Rhytidectomy: An Examination of the Last Decade Using the NIS Database. American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Montreal, Canada, May 2015.
Chopra K, Tadisina KK, Mohan R, Calva D, Singh DP. High Impact Articles in Breast Augmentation. American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS).Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2015. Boston, MA, October 16-20, 2015. Poster Presentation.
Office of Naval Research- Grant Award N00014-10-1-0868
Chimerism and tolerance in composite tissue transplantation
Role: Co-Investigator
Lifecell Grant ISIS.08.01.00.ER
Physiologic Changes with Abdominal Wall Reconstruction in a Porcine Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Model
Role: Co-Investigator
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fürOsteosynthesefragen (AO) Grant #S-10-51R
Comparison of Free Fibular Flapsto Reamer-Irrigator-Aspirator (RIA) Bone Grafts for Reconstruction ofCritical-Sized Porcine Mandibular Defects
Role: Co-Investigator
USAMRMC Proposal Number DM090323
Award Number W81XWH-11-2 0022 entitled, "Comprehensive Craniofacial Bone and Soft Tissue Reconstruction" Chimerism and tolerance in composite tissue transplantation
Merz Pharmaceuticals.
Proposal Number IIT4457. “Retrospective Study and Consensus Treatment Protocol of Guided Subcision using the Cellfina Device for the Treatment of Cellulite.”
Role: Co-Investigator
PRSJournal Resident Advisory Board, Prior Member
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal, Reviewer
Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Reviewer
American Society of Plastic Surgery, Member
American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Member
Education Committee Member in American Society of Plastic Surgery
Alpha Omega Alpha
American Society of Plastic Surgery (Candidate for Membership)
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Candidate for Membership)
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal (Reviewer)
Nagarathar Physician’s Association (Regional Governor)
Spanish, conversant
Tamil, fluent in spoken
Project Medishare
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Surgery Clerkship Instructor (Intravenous line course)