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5 Things to Expect After Liposuction and How to Minimize Side Effects

5 Things to Expect After Liposuction and How to Minimize Side Effects

Liposuction can be a valuable tool to remove unwanted fat that's become resistant to a healthy lifestyle filled with diet and exercise.

While the procedure has gained popularity due to the latter, various patients understand what liposuction results could give them. Yet, details surrounding their knowledge of what to expect post-procedure aren't so exact.

Pain After Liposuction?

The first question that comes into mind for those undergoing any surgery is, "how bad does it hurt afterward"?

Most patients describe liposuction pain as having a huge bruise in the treatment area. Very few state that the pain is unbearable to the point that they can't concentrate on other activities such as reading and minimal exercise.

Overall, patients categorize the liposuction recovery experience as less painful than expected.

Results: When Can I See Them?

Liposuction is a surgery that can cause significant swelling. The swelling tends to last for months, and until it subdues, the results will not be visible.

Most swelling improves after four weeks. Surgeons tend to recommend that you wear a compression garment for the first four to six weeks after the procedure to minimize swelling and any pain issues.

Does Liposuction Cause Scars?

A liposuction procedure involves placing tiny incisions around the treatment area to insert the proper fat extraction equipment.

The amount of incisions created depends on the size of the area being treated and how easy removing the fat in these areas is.

Most incisions are at least somewhat hidden within a natural crease or fold, but a scar after liposuction will be visible if that isn't possible.

How Much Fat Is Removed?

If five liters of fat or less are removed during liposuction, an overnight stay at the hospital isn't usually necessary.

Whenever possible, surgeons tend to limit fat extraction to five liters. In some cases, a surgeon refrains from removing five liters of fat, such as when the treatment area begins to bleed. In most states, five liters is the maximum amount of fat that can be removed during liposuction. 

That being said, it is quite challenging to predict the amount of fat that will be removed. It's possible to extract large quantities of fat from lean individuals, and sometimes it is difficult to remove fat from someone that isn't lean.

Will The Fat Reappear? 

It's important to note that there is a finite number of fat cells within the human body. When gaining or losing weight, these fat cells respectively expand or shrink.

Therefore, when undergoing liposuction, the fatty cells are removed permanently. That said, the remaining cells can still expand, causing you to regain weight if you don't take care of your health. 

Additionally, other areas of the body will continue to expand, causing the treated area to appear disproportionate compared to the remaining areas of the body.

Elite Body Sculpture's Fat Removal Process

If you're a patient who wants to undergo a seamless fat removal process, then the best option for you is to experience Elite Body Sculpture's AirSculpt®. This minimally invasive process doesn't use a scalpel, needle, or general anesthesia.

The procedure is comfortable, doesn't cause large scarring, and offers immediate results thanks to the advanced power of AirSculpt®.

If you're interested in what we have to offer, head to Elite Body Sculpture for your first consultation. 


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