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Some areas of fat can be stubborn and may not go away with diet or exercise, especially fat above the pubic area. It is often linked to factors like genetics, childbirth, hormones, or significant weight changes. Mons pubis fat can sometimes create a noticeable bulge, making it uncomfortable when wearing bathing suits or tight clothing, and the idea of undergoing traditional pubic liposuction can be daunting. However, there’s a new option: Pubic AirSculpt®. This next-level pubic fat removal technique merges established methods with patented technology to achieve a quick and noticeable reduction of the mons pubis. It was designed to be minimally invasive, using no scalpel or stitches. Our wide-awake procedure leaves only a tiny, freckle-sized scar behind, one less worry for mothers who recently had a C-section. Pubic AirSculpt® is not only for women, as it can also provide men with better proportions in this region.

Seamless Pubic Fat Pad Removal

This pad of fatty tissue covering the pubic bone, also called the mons pubis or FUPA, can be more prominent in some patients. AirSculpt® enables our surgeons to target only the pockets of fat you want gone for good, reducing the volume of the pubic mound while leaving surrounding areas completely unaffected. Some patients find the best pubic fat pad removal results with AirSculpt+, which removes fat and dramatically tightens skin. Many who thought they might need a pubic lift (monsplasty) opt for this seamless treatment instead. Whichever option you choose, downtime lasts just 48 hours, much shorter than the weeks of downtime often required after traditional pubic liposuction. 


The Pubic AirSculpt Process

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The surgeon numbs the pubic area’s skin, then creates two-millimeter-wide entry points in each groin crease and one near the waist. 

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A local anesthetic is applied, so you’ll avoid the need for general anesthesia and be able to speak with the surgeon throughout the procedure.

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AirSculpt technology gives surgeons enhanced finesse to pluck pubic fat with mechanical precision while also helping tighten the skin.

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If added, Renuvion® technology dramatically tightens the pubic area's skin through the same tiny entry points that heal without stitches.

AirSculpt Pubic Liposuction Benefits

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AirSculpt avoids scalpels, stitches and general anesthesia, reducing risks and allowing patients to talk to their surgeon.
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Once fat cells are removed, they do not regenerate. Any weight gained will tend to first anywhere besides the pubic region.

Brief Downtime

Downtime following pubic fat pad removal lasts 24 to 48 hours, a far cry from traditional liposuction or monsplasties.

Success Stories

Pubic AirSculpt Pre / Post-Op Timeline

  1. One Week Prior:

    • Avoid the following for one week before and after Pubic AirSculpt:
      • Tobacco
      • Alcohol
      • Fish Oil
      • Flax Seed
      • Omega 3 Pills
      • Avoid mixing alcohol and medication
  2. 24 Hrs Post Op:

    • Return to work if you feel comfortable to do so
    • Drainage is normal and may occur for anywhere between one day and a few weeks
      • Use your brand-new foam from the recovery bag and place the foam as you found your first one, underneath your garment.
    • Walk at least 30 minutes daily
    • Stick to a wholesome, nutritious diet and hydrate properly.
  3. 48 Hrs Post Op:

    • Return to work if you feel comfortable to do so
    • Showering is OK 48 hours after your procedure
    • Walk at least 30 minutes daily
    • Make sure to continue using your compression garment as instructed.
  4. Two Weeks:

    • Most workouts can be resumed at two weeks
    • Sexual activity can be resumed whenever the patient is comfortable
  5. One Month:

    • Swelling and bruising will begin to subside more quickly
  6. Six Months:

    • Final Post-Op Visit
    • Results should be fully complete by this point and will be permanent if constant weight maintained
  7. 24 Hrs Prior:

    • Nurse will call to remind of the arrival time. Verify medications are picked up and patients driver/ride after procedure.
  8. Day Of:

    • Eat prior to the procedure.
    • DO NOT take any sedating medications
    • Arrive 30 minutes prior to procedure time
  9. One Week:

    • One-week post-op visit in person includes an entry point check.
  10. Three Weeks:

    • You can remove the compression garment from the pubic area.
  11. Three Months:

    • Post-Op Visit

Pubic AirSculpt Pre / Post-Op Timeline

  1. One Week Prior:

    • Avoid the following for one week before and after Pubic AirSculpt:
      • Tobacco
      • Alcohol
      • Fish Oil
      • Flax Seed
      • Omega 3 Pills
      • Avoid mixing alcohol and medication
  2. 24 Hrs Prior:

    • Nurse will call to remind of the arrival time. Verify medications are picked up and patients driver/ride after procedure.
  3. Day Of:

    • Eat prior to the procedure.
    • DO NOT take any sedating medications
    • Arrive 30 minutes prior to procedure time
  4. 24 Hrs Post Op:

    • Return to work if you feel comfortable to do so
    • Drainage is normal and may occur for anywhere between one day and a few weeks
      • Use your brand-new foam from the recovery bag and place the foam as you found your first one, underneath your garment.
    • Walk at least 30 minutes daily
    • Stick to a wholesome, nutritious diet and hydrate properly.
  5. 48 Hrs Post Op:

    • Return to work if you feel comfortable to do so
    • Showering is OK 48 hours after your procedure
    • Walk at least 30 minutes daily
    • Make sure to continue using your compression garment as instructed.
  6. One Week:

    • One-week post-op visit in person includes an entry point check.
  7. Two Weeks:

    • Most workouts can be resumed at two weeks
    • Sexual activity can be resumed whenever the patient is comfortable
  8. Three Weeks:

    • You can remove the compression garment from the pubic area.
  9. One Month:

    • Swelling and bruising will begin to subside more quickly
  10. Three Months:

    • Post-Op Visit
  11. Six Months:

    • Final Post-Op Visit
    • Results should be fully complete by this point and will be permanent if constant weight maintained



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