Frequently Asked Questions
AirSculpt® FAQ
- AirSculpt® is a next-generation body contouring treatment designed to optimize both comfort and precision, available exclusively at AirSculpt offices. The minimally invasive procedure removes fat and tightens skin, while sculpting targeted areas of the body, allowing for quick healing with minimal bruising, tighter skin, and precise results.
If you want to tighten loose or overhanging skin on the abdominal region, we recommend the Tiny Tuck. For permanent stomach fat removal, we recommend AirSculpt.
We can’t guarantee a six-pack, but patients with even marginal abdominal muscles often end up with a fully defined six-pack after their treatment.
Stomach AirSculpt removes stubborn fat from the upper and lower abdominal regions, the waist, and love handles. The 48-Hour Six Pack specifically targets fat concealing and surrounding the stomach muscles to etch a permanent set of sculpted abs.
As long as you have trouble with fatty spots in or around your abdominal area that you want to remove, this is the procedure for you. We have no BMI or age restrictions, so don't hesitate to schedule your free consultation today! .
Regardless of your goals, our surgeons make sure only to target the pockets of fat preventing you from looking your best. See for yourself in both our testimonials and before-and-after photos.
AirSculpt is not a weight-loss procedure, but patients commonly lose weight following their procedure. This stems from the newfound motivation they often experience to maintain their new proportions and accentuate their sculpted figure following AirSculpt.
For the upper stomach, we create entry points on the side of either torso. Entry Points for the lower stomach and waist are created near the belly button, just above the waistline in the front of the stomach, and on the flanks just above each hip bone.
Because AirSculpt only requires a minuscule entryway two millimeters wide, the incision heals far more quickly and seamlessly than traditional liposuction. Patients do not require stitches, and once fully healed, their perfectly symmetrical scars wind up looking like tiny freckles.
Yes! We have no BMI requirement, so high BMI patients can absolutely receive AirSculpt.
The amount of time required to complete a full abdominal AirSculpt can vary depending on the amount of fat to be removed. In general, this procedure takes between 90 minutes and four hours.
Yes! Our Mommy Makeover procedure includes AirSculpt of the full abdomen, pubic, and lower back/tailbone regions, plus a Tiny Tuck™ and Up a Cup™ Breast Augmentation. Patients can pick and choose between any of these procedures for their mommy makeover.
Being able to consistently and precisely deliver the hourglass figure was one of the core reasons we invented AirSculpt. We sculpt the hourglass figure whenever requested by strategically removing stomach, flank, and waist fat, as well as performing an all-natural Power BBL™ or HipFlip™ when deemed necessary.
Absolutely! The stomach is one of the most popular areas patients combine with a fat transfer, as large amounts of fat from regions like the abdomen are needed for transfers to the breasts or buttocks. Patients can also transfer stomach fat to just their hips or their hands as well.
Stomach AirSculpt will help address the stomach fold to a certain degree, but the Tiny Tuck would be a more direct solution for loose or overhanging belly skin.
You can absolutely target just the lower stomach. Typically, we treat the upper and lower abdomen together but if requested specifically we can target them individually.
You can absolutely target just the upper stomach. Typically, we treat the upper and lower abdomen together but if requested specifically we can target them individually.
AirSculpt will absolutely provide you with a flatter, more toned stomach. However results do depend on where a patient is starting from, so we cannot guarantee a flat stomach after AirSculpt. The best results are achieved among those who are in moderately good shape before their procedure.
Swelling is normal and to be expected after AirSculpt. Swelling should dissipate within a couple of weeks, though it may take up to a month for it to fully subside.
Bruising is completely normal and to be expected after AirSculpt. Every patient's body heals differently but bruising typically only lasts a couple of weeks to a month.
With AirSculpt, there are no sessions – every procedure provides permanent results with a single one-and-done treatment.
AirSculpt was designed to help patients heal with only a freckle-sized mark to show at each entrypoint! Scars are also made in creases or folds when possible, allowing patients to easily conceal them even when wearing bathing suits!
Patients require three post-op appointments. The first appointment takes place within one week of the procedure, the second about three months afterward, and the last roughly six months after.
Thanks to our gentle technique, AirSculpt patients avoid being put under, skip the painful recovery, and enjoy faster healing. Implants, comparatively, require general anesthesia and result in noticeable scarring. Patients receiving implants incur added risks of autoimmune diseases if the body rejects the foreign material within it, and aesthetically, they tend to look eerily unnatural. Meanwhile, fat transfers using traditional liposuction are riskier than AirSculpt, as they are far less gentle and involve the use of general anesthesia. Such procedures also tend to result in lumpy, asymmetrical changes that can make patients cringe.
No. Patients must always use their own fat to achieve a successful fat transfer, which is why we advise that a sufficient amount of harvestable fat is needed for such procedures.
Yes, entry points depend on which or areas are first targeted for fat removal, then secondly which areas are enhanced with an AirSculpt fat transfer.
Patients should first and foremost follow their surgeon’s specific instructions. Blood thinners, aspirin, ibuprofen, and omegas must be avoided prior to treatment (take Tylenol for pain if needed instead). Patients should avoid applying lotion or body cream to the treated area, and refrain from consuming caffeine and tobacco on the day of the surgery, plus no alcohol the night before or day of AirSculpt. If you are diabetic, please bring your glucose testing meter and testing strips so we can test your levels before the procedure. Patients should pick up medication before coming in but not take any. Finally, we recommend wearing dark, loose clothing and eating a large meal before arriving so medication is not taken on an empty stomach.
Fat transferred during an AirSculpt procedure will begin to settle instantly. Because AirSculpt technology can pluck out fat one cell at a time, more survives to be grafted into the desired area. A small amount of fat will be naturally absorbed by the patient, but our surgeons always account for this re-absorption by injecting additional material. Most patients can return to work within three to five days of their procedure, but you should refrain from exercising or going to the gym for up to two weeks unless advised otherwise by the surgeon. Patients will also be asked to avoid sleeping on and applying pressure to the treated area for two weeks.
No, AirSculpt does not offer injectables. Our specialty is stubborn fat – both removing and transferring it.
Fat transfers using traditional liposuction are riskier than AirSculpt® fat graft treatments, as they are far more abrasive, less precise, and involve general anesthesia. Because liposuction-based fat transfers use manual tools to graft fat, they tend to result in lumpy, asymmetrical changes that can make patients cringe. AirSculpt's mechanical nature helps provide symmetrical results, even if a patient had unbalanced body features coming into treatment. Patients always stay awake and avoid painfully unnecessary elements like needles, scalpels, and stitches.
During an AirSculpt fat transfer, you’ll feel some vibration but not pain. We provide painkillers, numb the treated area beforehand, and give the patients the additional option of laughing gas if they feel like they need it. Patients describe the actual fat removal and transfer steps as similar to a deep-tissue massage or electric toothbrush-like sensation. Since AirSculpt® is minimally invasive and takes extra steps to be gentle on the body, recovery is far less painful than traditional options.
The quality of the fat collected, how well the material is cleansed, and a patient's physical characteristics can all affect the survival rate of grafted fat. The use of patented AirSculpt technology and our fat treatment approach helps ensure quality cells are harvested, reducing the risk of infection and increasing the fat’s survival rate. Surgeons will also talk with patients beforehand to understand their treatment goals and plan how much extra fat to graft when accounting for natural reabsorption. Patients generally reabsorb about 30 percent of the fat transferred after the procedure.
No, compression garments do not interfere with an AirSculpt fat transfer, as they were specially designed to quicken recovery and optimize results.
We never use syringes to extract fat, as is characteristic of traditional liposuction. Our surgeons exclusively use the patented AirSculpt approach using a power-automated device that plucks fat cells one by one gentle plucking motion.
Yes, we can treat patients of any body size. The only caveat with fat transfers is that the patient must have sufficient harvestable to perform a successful graft; hence petite patients may not qualify for a fat transfer to the breasts or buttocks.
Fat removed during an AirSculpt® session is permanently removed and will not come back to that body part. If you gain weight after your procedure, the fat will appear anywhere but the treated area, so your new proportions tend to be preserved even in this scenario. We, therefore, recommend a healthy diet and exercise following your AirSculpt® treatment.
Regarding the area that was enhanced during an AirSculpt fat transfer, results will be permanent after the initial reabsorption that ensues any natural fat graft. Dramatic weight fluctuations can also affect results, although newly achieved proportions should remain relatively intact.
All patients will experience a certain degree of fat reabsorption that varies from person to person, but typically the percentage of fat reabsorbed tends to fall around 30 percent. The use of patented AirSculpt technology and our fat treatment approach helps ensure high-quality cells are harvested, further reducing the risk of infection and increasing the fat’s survival rate. Surgeons will also talk with a patient beforehand to understand their treatment goals and plan how much extra fat to graft when accounting for natural reabsorption.
If they do form, scars will appear as two-millimeter-wide freckle-sized marks wherever an entry point was made.
AirSculpt's power-automated technology provides proportional results, even if a patient had unbalanced body features coming into treatment. The rapidly spinning mechanism of AirSculpt technology means that surgeons never have to guess when removing or transferring fat with mechanical precision. We also take special care to ascertain each patient's body goals or pre-existing asymmetries to ensure balanced proportions are achieved.
Yes, men can receive any AirSculpt fat graft procedure, including a fat transfer from the abdomen to the buttocks, hands, or hips.
Patients require three post-op appointments. The first appointment takes place within one week of the procedure, the second about three months afterward, and the last roughly six months after.
As long as you have enough harvestable fat you want to remove and transfer to the buttocks, then you are a good candidate for an AirSculpt fat transfer butt enhancement. We have no BMI or age restrictions, so don't hesitate to schedule your free consultation today!
Regardless of your goals, our board-certified plastic surgeons make sure only to target the pockets of fat preventing you from looking your best. See for yourself in both our testimonials and before-and-after photos.
Any area with enough excess fat can be used as a donor site. The most common areas are the stomach and back, as these are larger enough for most patients to complete a fat transfer to the buttocks. Other popular options for this procedure are the inner thighs and arms.
AirSculpt fat transfers to the buttocks are superior to implant-based plastic surgery in every regard – safety, results, and longevity. Thanks to our gentle technique, AirSculpt patients avoid being put under, skip the painful recovery, and enjoy faster healing. Butt implants, comparatively, require general anesthesia and result in noticeable scarring. Patients receiving saline or silicone implants incur added risks of autoimmune diseases if the body rejects the foreign material within it, and aesthetically, they tend to look eerily unnatural. Butt implants can also move around over time and cause rippling, whereas a patient's fat will settle in a balanced manner that accentuates one's natural contours.
The amount of fat needed depends on the patient's specific goals and the amount of volume they have in their buttocks coming into the treatment. Patients with more prominent backsides and those looking for rounder buttocks will require less fat than those with flatter backsides and those aiming to add projection and fullness to their buttocks.
The Power BBL requires an entry point on the side of each leg just under the hip, near where the cheek meets the thigh. Another entry point is needed underneath each buttock around the banana roll, and then a final one just above the crease of the buttocks.
No AirSculpt procedure, including the Power BBL, has a BMI requirement.
An entire Power BBL takes roughly two hours to complete.
Recommended downtime is typically around 48 hours, and because AirSculpt® patients endure far less risk, they can walk out under their own power right after the procedure. Some have even reported running errands or going out to a light dinner soon after their buttock augmentation.
Most can return to work within three to five days of their procedure, but patients should refrain from exercising or going to the gym for up to two weeks unless advised otherwise by the surgeon. Patients will also be asked to avoid sleeping on and applying pressure to the treated area for two weeks.
Patients can sit down after a buttock enhancement but should use the pillow we provide for the first few weeks and as long as the surgeon advises.
Massages are not necessary following any AirSculpt procedure.
Patients should stay off their butt for two to three weeks, which means sleeping on their stomachs and using the seat pillow whenever sitting down.
Patients should wait at least two weeks before resuming strenuous exercise after AirSculpt but can begin taking light walks right away.
No. Patients should sleep on their tummies for two to three weeks after a Power BBL.
Fat extracted during an AirSculpt® session is permanently removed and will not come back to that body part. If you gain weight after your cosmetic procedure, the fat will appear anywhere but the treated parts of the body, so your new proportions will be preserved even in this scenario. We, therefore, recommend a healthy diet and exercise following your AirSculpt® treatment.
Regarding the area enhanced during an AirSculpt fat transfer, results will be permanent after the initial reabsorption that ensues any natural fat graft. Dramatic weight fluctuations can also affect results, although newly achieved proportions should remain relatively intact.
The power-automated nature of AirSculpt technology allows our surgeons to remove and transfer fat by the cell. This means they can graft precise amounts of material needed to deliver balanced, proportional results – all while minimizing the risk of infection or side effects.
We recommend spending 48 hours in the city you were treated in before flying home.
We do not offer a buttock fat removal procedure. We do, however, target the area just underneath the buttocks called the banana roll.
No. Patients must always use their own fat to achieve a successful fat transfer, which is why we advise that a sufficient amount of harvestable fat is needed for such procedures. Most patients get this surgery to transfer fat from stomach to buttocks, though other areas can be used too.
We do not recommend gaining weight to achieve a successful buttock augmentation or any other fat transfer.
Yes, we can make the buttocks and hips wider.
Patients can target tailbone fat and augment their buttocks simultaneously, as doing so can help accentuate one's natural feminine curvature.
We can transfer fat to both the hips and the buttocks as long as enough harvestable fat is available. Doing so helps round out a patient's backside, sculpts the coveted hourglass figure, and fills in undesired hip dips.
Fat transfers using traditional liposuction are riskier than AirSculpt® fat graft treatments, as they are far more abrasive, less precise, and involve general anesthesia. Because liposuction-based fat transfers use manual tools to graft fat, they tend to result in lumpy, asymmetrical changes that can make patients cringe. AirSculpt's power-automated technology ensures symmetrical results are achieved, even if a patient had unbalanced body features coming into treatment. Patients always stay awake and avoid painfully unnecessary elements like needles, scalpels, and stitches.
The quality of the fat collected, how well the material is cleansed, and a patient's physical characteristics can all affect the survival rate of grafted fat. The use of patented AirSculpt technology and our fat treatment approach helps ensure quality cells are harvested, reducing the risk of infection and increasing the fat’s survival rate. Surgeons will also talk with patients beforehand to understand their treatment goals and plan how much extra fat to graft when accounting for natural reabsorption. Patients generally reabsorb about 30 percent of the fat transferred after the procedure.
If they do form, scars will appear as two-millimeter-wide freckle-sized marks wherever an entry point was made.
Yes, we can transfer varying amounts of fat or even only treat one buttock, if desired, to ultimately achieve balanced results.
Since patients should avoid putting pressure on their buttocks and refrain from sitting for at least two weeks, we advise waiting this long at a minimum.
Unless your flanks or lower abdomen were treated, in which case size could decrease, one's waist size and shape should not be impacted by a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure.
Yes, men can receive any AirSculpt fat graft procedure, including a fat transfer from the abdomen to the buttocks, hands, or hips.
An AirSculpt fat transfer to the butt will provide a subtle to moderate lift to the buttocks in addition to augmentation. However, a dedicated buttock lifting cosmetic surgery (not to be confused with augmentation) also includes cutting out and folding excess skin, which AirSculpt procedures never do.
No, age will not affect the results of an AirSculpt buttock enhancement. The only requirement is that patients are over 18 years of age.
Patients should wait at least two to three weeks before resuming strenuous activity, and entry points should be fully closed before one considers swimming.
We do as little to the grafted material as possible before transferring it, as tinkering with the fat can decrease its viability and harm one's results. All we do to the fat is add antibiotics before injecting it and use gravitational energy to separate high-quality fat from the rest of the material with our closed-loop purification system.
During an AirSculpt fat transfer, you’ll feel some vibration but not pain. We provide painkillers, numb the treated area beforehand, and give the patients the additional option of laughing gas if they feel like they need it. Patients describe the actual fat removal and transfer steps as similar to a deep-tissue massage or electric toothbrush-like sensation. Since AirSculpt® is minimally invasive and takes extra steps to be gentle on the body, recovery is far less painful than traditional options.
Patients should wait at least two weeks before resuming strenuous exercise after AirSculpt but should begin taking light walks right away to help the body's circulation. Wearing the provided garment and pillow cushion are also recommended for at least two weeks. Otherwise, recovery is the same as any other AirSculpt treatment!
Patients should first and foremost follow their surgeon’s specific instructions when preparing for a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery. Blood thinners, aspirin, ibuprofen, and omegas must be avoided before treatment (take Tylenol for pain if needed instead). Patients should avoid applying lotion or body cream to the treated area and refrain from consuming caffeine and tobacco on the day of the surgery, plus no alcohol the night before or day of AirSculpt. If you have diabetes, please bring your glucose testing meter and testing strips so we can test your levels before the procedure. Patients should pick up medication before coming in but not take any. Finally, we recommend wearing dark, loose clothing and eating a large meal before arriving, so medication is not taken on an empty stomach.
The price you'll pay for an AirSculpt Brazilian butt lift varies from patient to patient. Factors affecting your Brazilian butt lift's cost include the quantity of fat removed, which locations are treated, the number of areas targeted, and the complexity of one's treatment plan. Financing plans are available to help cover one's gluteoplasty cost as well. For those wondering what transferring fat from the stomach into the buttocks price range is like, the fat transfer is typically a $5,000 addition on top of the fat removal cost.
Yes, patients can receive a Tiny Tuck (our minimally invasive skin tightening procedure below the belly button) in conjunction with a Bazilian buttock lift fat transfer. For recent mothers, getting our "mini" tummy tuck & buttock fat transfer is a great way to shape one's figure comprehensively and get back to one's pre-baby body.
One of the most common questions we receive is, "where can I get a natural AirSculpt fat transfer from the stomach to buttocks near me?" AirSculpt fat removal and transfer procedures are only available at Elite Body Sculpture; we currently have 25 offices open nationwide with the best BBL doctors in the world and plan to continue expanding shortly!
In addition to the patented technology that enables unparalleled precision throughout the body sculpting process, our surgeons are specially trained and well-seasoned professionals dedicated to their craft's artistic and medical aspects. Our Brazilian butt lift surgery is made safer and more precise by the mechanical accuracy AirSculpt provides. Still, ultimately the dramatic results we provide can be attributed to the keen eye for body contouring each of our surgeons possesses and has acquired through rigorous training.
As long as you have finished wearing your garments for the period instructed by your surgeon, patients can wear butt or "booty" lifter garments. That said, we do not believe such products will provide much of an effect compared with the dramatic results delivered by AirSculpt.
Yes, we perform a natural fat transfer breast augmentation called the Up a Cup™.
Patients always stay awake during AirSculpt procedures, including natural fat transfer boob jobs such as the Up a Cup™. A key advantage of local anesthesia is that it drastically reduces risk throughout the treatment.
By enhancing your breasts naturally with your own fat, the Up a Cup™ will provide a lifting effect in addition to augmentation. However, a breast lift also includes cutting out excess skin, which AirSculpt procedures never do.
After enough fat has been harvested and treated, entry points are made precisely above the nipples around the areola, and under the breasts in the crease for a successful fat transfer.
AirSculpt procedures reduce the visibility of any entry points by creating them where they can be easily concealed, using an exclusive, two-millimeter-wide biopsy punch tool in place of scalpels. That said, the entry points underneath the breast crease, called the inframammary fold, will not be visible at all in a bikini due to their placement location. The entry points around the nipples may be visible initially, but this area heals quite quickly and will almost always appear scarless after recovery.
No, age will not affect the results of an AirSculpt fat transfer breast augmentation. The only requirement is that patients are over 18 years of age.
There is no specific quantity of fat we can or cannot transfer to the breasts. The answer depends on how much excess, harvestable fat the patient has and how much their body reabsorbs the grafted material.
Yes, AirSculpt fat transfers always give patients a natural look. The breasts are primarily made up of fat, so a graft procedure will allow them to look bigger but feel and move naturally.
We inject about 30 percent more material than needed during the procedure to account for natural reabsorption after a fat transfer. Thus, the results will be permanent after the body reabsorbs fat, even if a patient gains weight since the breasts tend to augment following weight gain.
No, a fat transfer to the breasts with AirSculpt does not cause pain. Patients report the sensation as similar to an electric toothbrush vibration.
Yes, the breasts are numbed before they are enhanced naturally, which explains why we can perform wide-awake breast augmentation fat transfers.
Compression bras should be worn for three weeks after an Up a Cup™ treatment, but patients should always listen to their surgeon's personalized instructions first and foremost.
Absolutely! As with any AirSculpt procedure, patients can work out two weeks after their treatment and are encouraged to begin taking walks even sooner.
The areola may stretch out slightly then return to normal after a fat transfer breast augmentation, but most patients do not experience this issue. Because the breasts are enlarged during the Up a Cup™, a slightly larger nipple will still appear proportionate to the surrounding areas.
AirSculpt's power-automated technology provides proportional results, even if a patient had unbalanced body features coming into treatment. The rapidly spinning mechanism of AirSculpt technology ensures that surgeons never have to guess when removing or transferring fat with mechanical precision. We also take special care to ascertain each patient's body goals or pre-existing asymmetries to ensure balanced proportions are achieved.
Most patients can return to work within three to five days of their fat transfer procedure but should refrain from exercising or going to the gym for up to two weeks unless advised otherwise by the surgeon. Patients will also be asked to avoid sleeping on and applying pressure to the treated area for two weeks. Results will be quite dramatic after about three months, with final changes expected six months after an Up a Cup™.
Swelling and bruising are normal and to be expected after an AirSculpt fat transfer to the boobs. These effects should dissipate within a couple of weeks, though it may take up to a month for them to fully subside.
As long as the patient's cancer doctor approves, we can absolutely perform the Up a Cup™ on someone with breast cancer. We can even treat just one breast to improve any asymmetries, with the only caveat being that we need an area to place the fat that is free of scarring. Patients looking for a breast reconstruction fat transfer can also receive this treatment with doctor approval.
We do not perform any implant removals; once a patient has had theirs taken out, we can certainly fill in the pocket where the implant formerly resided to augment the breasts naturally.
Women can receive the Up a Cup™ before or after pregnancy. We cannot perform a breast enhancement during a woman's pregnancy or if they are breastfeeding, however.
Women can absolutely breastfeed after their breast augmentation with fat transfer as long as they have fully recovered. Many women also receive this procedure for help with sagginess after breastfeeding as well.
Breastfeeding can cause the breasts to sag a bit. If you have already received an Up a Cup™ and then begin to breastfeed, you may experience some breast shape changes, but they will be minimal compared to untreated breasts.
AirSculpt fat transfers are fully customizable, so patients can have any part of their breast enhanced to their exact preference. This means we can transfer fat to and focus specifically on the side or underboob area if desired.
AirSculpt primarily removes fat but will also leave the skin of treated areas tighter than before. Thus, eliminating armpit fat during an Up a Cup™ procedure will help with skin tightening in this region to a certain extent. Furthermore, women with broader upper bodies can accentuate the hourglass look by removing back and armpit fat during their breast augmentation as well.
Patients require three post-op appointments. The first appointment takes place within one week of the procedure, the second about three months afterward, and the last roughly six months after.
One of the most common questions we receive is, "where can I get a natural AirSculpt breast fat transfer near me?" AirSculpt fat removal and transfer procedures are only available at Elite Body Sculpture, and we currently have 25 offices open nationwide and have plans to continue expanding shortly! Call or message us today to learn more about our technique and what your fat transfer to breast cost would be.
The entry points for a hand rejuvenation is made on the upper part of the wrist on the top of the hand, made strategically near a crease to help conceal any scarring.
We only use a patient's own natural fat. Fillers use artificial chemicals that can cause unforeseen outcomes and uneven results.
Fat transferred to the hands will provide a smoother, more plumped-up look. Veins and tendons that have become visible will be covered up for good. Our precision-engineered fat transfer technique also provides a restorative effect for older patients who have experienced lost volume and crepey hands.
Patients should wait at least two weeks before wearing rings. Always follow your surgeons' specific instructions first.
Yes, you will be able to use your hands after a fat transfer. Restrictions are relatively minimal, with only gauze wrap required on the hands for the first few weeks after treatment.
Yes, you will be able to carry your child after the procedure. Restrictions are fairly minimal following a hand rejuvenation, with only gauze wrap required for the first few weeks after treatment.
Because AirSculpt® is minimally invasive, recovery is much quicker than with traditional liposuction-based fat transfers. Most patients return to normal activities, including work, playing instruments, or light cardio, within 48 hours. Beyond that point, restrictions are relatively minimal for hand rejuvenation patients, with gauze wrap being the primary requirement for the first few weeks after treatment. Strenuous exercise and activities that could interfere with the gauze wrap should be avoided for at least two weeks.
Fat removed during an AirSculpt® session is permanently removed and will not come back to that body part. If you gain weight after your procedure, the fat will appear anywhere but the treated area, so your new proportions tend to be preserved even in this scenario. We, therefore, recommend a healthy diet and exercise following your AirSculpt® treatment.
Regarding the area that was enhanced during an AirSculpt fat transfer, results will be permanent after the initial reabsorption that ensues any natural fat graft. Dramatic weight fluctuations can also affect results, although newly achieved proportions should remain relatively intact.
Fat can and typically is transferred to the fingers with AirSculpt.
By grafting fat in precise quantities, an AirSculpt hand rejuvenation will help plump up hands that are either naturally skinny or have lost volume over time.
Veins and tendons that have become visible will be fully concealed once the fat has settled, restoring a youthful look to the hands.
Patients should not drive home after the procedure and should refrain from driving for at least 24 hours after treatment.
Only a small amount of fat is actually transferred during a hand rejuvenation. Thus, while the procedure will provide more aesthetic, natural-looking hands, the proportion to the rest of the arms should not be affected.
AirSculpt does provide some skin tightening during the procedure, but if loose skin is your main concern, you might want to consider other options like a pubic lift. If you are still looking to remove fat and take care of your loose skin, you can always do our AirSculpt procedure first and take care of your loose skin after recovery if need be.
Three entry points are made along the waistline: one directly on the pubic mound and one on each groin crease. One additional entry point is also made near the belly button.
We can use the same C-section scar to remove pubic fat and avoid creating additional entry points.
Yes, men can also treat their pubic area with AirSculpt.
You will be able to bend down after receiving Pubic AirSculpt thanks to the delicate, precise mechanism by which this technology removes fat.
Pubic AirSculpt will not affect the appearance of the labia.
An AirSculpt treatment does not cause hair loss on the pubic region or anywhere else on the body.
Tummy tucks are primarily focused on tightening loose abdominal walls and removing excess skin or tissue. Fat removal via liposuction is often included in these procedures, though such treatments are quite invasive and require general anesthesia. AirSculpt focuses solely on permanent, precision-engineered fat removal. While this patented procedure will provide minor skin tightening, it does not tighten muscle walls or remove loose skin.
Patients may have some minor bruising and swelling for about two weeks, but the pain should be mild and will begin to subside after this period. Thanks to the delicate plucking motion AirSculpt technology uses to remove fat, patients recover far more quickly than traditional pubic liposuction and often return to work the very next day.
No, you will not lose sensitivity in the pubic area or any area after AirSculpt. This technology only operates within the subcutaneous fat layer, meaning it automatically turns off before contacting anything else like nerves or muscles.
A tummy tuck focuses on removing loose skin and tightening the general abdominal area. While fat removal is often included in these procedures, they often use outdated techniques like traditional lipo, far less precise than AirSculpt. Uneven or underdone results could necessitate a pubic or even full abdominal treatment to correct such blemishes.
Patients can combine any of our treatments for a mommy makeover, including full abdominal and pubic fat removal along with the Tiny Tuck. The typical AirSculpt Mommy Makeover also includes a fat transfer breast enhancement and Lower Back AirSculpt.
The pubic and tailbone regions are two popular options patients often target simultaneously, as doing so will provide a permanently flatter, toned look.
As long as you wish for minimal pain and maximum results, then Back AirSculpt® is right for you. We have no BMI or age limits, so if you are wondering if this treatment is the right one, schedule your free consultation today!
We use no needle, no scalpel, no stitches, and no general anesthesia, and furthermore, our minimally invasive technique allows for a faster recovery, meaning patients don't have to worry about needing months to heal. Because we are less intrusive than competitors, who often provide rough, unbalanced results, we leave patients with the smooth and balanced figure they so badly crave. This all means no more love handles, and no more pesky insecurities.
Rather than noninvasive procedures that make lofty claims they never seem to meet, AirSculpt® combines tried-and-true methods with patented technology to deliver dramatic results. Our specialized technology allows surgeons to delicately pluck your fat by the cell, providing the symmetrical results patients desire.
AirSculpt® is far safer than traditional, laser, and ultrasonic liposuction, or even other minimally invasive approaches. These all come with a slew of potential hazards avoided by the signature AirSculpt® technique. With no needle, scalpel, stitches, or general anesthesia, we avoid abundant risks. Using established methods that innovate upon the best aspects of various forms of fat removal procedures, AirSculpt® is more effective than noninvasive methods that come with significant guessowrk.
As long as you wish for minimal pain and maximum results, then Back AirSculpt® is right for you. We have no BMI or age limits, so if you are wondering if this treatment is the right one, schedule your free consultation today!
We use no needle, no scalpel, no stitches, and no general anesthesia, and furthermore, our minimally invasive technique allows for a faster recovery, meaning patients don't have to worry about needing months to heal. Because we are less intrusive than competitors, who often provide rough, unbalanced results, we leave patients with the smooth and balanced figure they so badly crave. This all means no more love handles, and no more pesky insecurities.
Thanks to our meticulous and gentle fat removal technique, downtime is shorter, healing is quicker, and you can walk right out of your procedure. Far less pain is involved with only minor soreness following your treatment.
Different from other clinics, we provide you with custom and comfortable compression garments—making sure your fat is gone, and your skin is tighter. These should be worn for two weeks following your AirSculpt® procedure. Most patients can return to work within one to three days, but you should avoid exercise and strenuous activity for roughly two weeks. Expect your doctor to provide additional instructions personalized to your specific requirements.
The frictional heating generated during the AirSculpt® fat removal process provides some skin tightening effects when combined with adequate use of the complementary compression garments provided. This technique can lessen the appearance of cellulite, leaving your skin looking natural and smooth. Patients seeking more dramatic skin tightening should opt for AirSculpt+.
We can take up to five liters of fat from a patient during one session. Furthermore, the way we remove fat is far more gentle than back lipo, a comparatively harsh and manual treatment that requires extensive recovery time.
AirSculpt's power-automated technology provides proportional results, even if a patient had unbalanced body features coming into treatment. AirSculpt surgeons never have to guess when removing or transferring fat with mechanical precision. We also take special care to ascertain each patient's body goals or pre-existing asymmetries to achieve balanced proportions. Furthermore, our patented back fat removal technique is far more time and cost-effective than noninvasive procedures, which requires multiple sessions and cannot remove fat directly.
A back lift surgery is an invasive procedure dedicated to removing and tightening excess skin on the back. Lipo for back fat, comparatively, focuses solely on removing stubborn subcutaneous fat. Back AirSculpt, meanwhile, also removes stubborn fat, but it does so with significantly less invasiveness than liposuction on the back. AirSculpt also provides a degree of skin tightening during the same process, which means many patients who thought they needed a lift and lipo for their back fat can often get our one-and-done treatment instead!
For the upper back area, four total entry points are made: one entry point in each armpit and one on each side of the waist. When targeting the buffalo hump, one entry point is made in the middle of the upper back. For the tailbone, one entry point is made just above the buttock crease on the back. Finally, if a patient is sculpting the entire back, we'll also usually create an entry point on each hip to provide the most dramatic results possible.
AirSculpt will provide the buffalo hump and lower back region with a permanently flatter look by directly removing fat cells one by one with mechanical precision.
One entry point is made on the upper back/buffalo hump, directly in the middle of the back.
Patients often do enjoy better posture after a buffalo hump procedure.
Fat removed during an AirSculpt® session is permanently removed and will not come back to that body part. If you gain weight after your procedure, the fat will appear anywhere but the treated area, so your new proportions tend to be preserved even in this scenario. We, therefore, recommend a healthy diet and exercise following your AirSculpt® treatment.
While AirSculpt always leaves the treated area's skin tighter than before, this is not a lift or skin tightening procedure. AirSculpt focuses on removing stubborn fat and leaves the skin tighter in the process, but that is not the main focus.
Fat underneath and around the bra straps on the back is considered part of the back bra roll / upper back treatment area. Fat on the sides closer to the armpits is considered part of the front bra roll.
Back Bra Roll AirSculpt does not directly affect breast size. However, by slimming the torso and upper body, this procedure makes the breasts appear more prominent.
Four total entry points are made: one entry point in each armpit and one on each side of the waist.
We can take up to five liters of fat from a patient during one session. Most patients don't have a full five liters of excess fat in their back bra rolls alone, but they can get closer to that amount by targeting their front bra rolls.
AirSculpt's power-automated technology provides proportional results, even if a patient had unbalanced body features coming into treatment. AirSculpt surgeons never have to guess when removing or transferring fat with mechanical precision. We also take special care to ascertain each patient's body goals or pre-existing asymmetries to ensure balanced proportions are achieved.
Patients should avoid laying down on their back for two weeks, including sleeping on their sides or stomach for the duration of this period.
The front and back bra rolls and the stomach are all considered separate treatment areas. Each of these procedures can be combined seamlessly or done individually.
Two of the entry points for Back Bra Roll AirSculpt are naturally concealable in the armpit crease, while the other two on the waist area will appear like tiny freckles. Because AirSculpt only requires a minuscule entryway two millimeters wide, the incision heals far more quickly and seamlessly than traditional liposuction. Patients do not require stitches, and once fully healed, their perfectly symmetrical scars wind up looking like tiny freckles if they do become scars at all.
Fat removed during an AirSculpt® session is permanently removed and will not come back to that body part. If you gain weight after your procedure, the fat will appear anywhere but the treated area, so your new proportions tend to be preserved even in this scenario. We, therefore, recommend a healthy diet and exercise following your AirSculpt® treatment.
With AirSculpt, there are no sessions – every procedure provides permanent results with a single one-and-done treatment. We cannot guarantee a flat back after Back Bra Roll AirSculpt, but patients will experience a dramatic reduction of bra roll fat no matter what.
Patients typically treat the tailbone/lower back region along with their back, waist, or stomach. That said, the tailbone fat pad can be sculpted entirely on its own.
Yes, sculpting the tailbone will provide a more sloped figure that accentuates one’s natural contours, thereby helping to make the butt look curvier.
Most patients describe the sensation of AirSculpt as similar to an electric toothbrush. Thanks to the use of a topical numbing solution and local anesthetic, practically no pain is experienced during the treatment.
The tailbone and lower back swell to a moderate degree that largely depends on one’s genetic makeup. Swelling and bruising begin to subside around two weeks after an AirSculpt treatment.
Results will be apparent as soon as you leave the procedure, though they will really start becoming noticeable once swelling and bruising subsides after a couple of days or weeks. After three months, truly dramatic results and a dramatically narrower lower back region will be present.
A broken tailbone should not affect the procedure as long as the healing process has been fully completed. Patients should mention any past injuries to treatment areas to their surgeon during the initial consultation and gain approval from their physician if on the fence about getting AirSculpt.
Treating the lower back/tailbone alone will not affect waist size. If this procedure is done in conjunction with a stomach and flank treatment, as is often the case, then waist size may decrease sometime afterward.
Tailbone AirSculpt alone can help draw out one’s natural hourglass figure by removing stubborn lower back fat and sculpting sharper contours. That said, patients without a genetic hourglass figure may want to treat their outer thighs and waist, along with receiving a fat transfer to the buttocks or hips for a more comprehensive transformation.
Patients can target tailbone fat and augment their buttocks simultaneously, as doing so can help accentuate one’s natural feminine curvature.
The pubic and tailbone regions are two popular options patients often target simultaneously, as doing so will provide a permanently flatter, toned look.