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The Top Liposuction Revision in Minneapolis: Just The Facts

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Skin folds and wrinkles after liposuction – a complication known as contour irregularities - are fortunately rare when an experienced plastic surgeon performs the procedure. 

Here's what you need to know about this problem and what you can do to prevent it.

What is a Contour Irregularity?

Contour irregularities occur when a surgeon removes excess fat from one area or when too much fluid accumulates in a vulnerable place.

Ideally, the plastic surgeon notices the problem during liposuction and corrects it immediately, but sometimes it becomes noticeable several days after surgery.

The likelihood and severity of the problem depend on several factors that you and your surgeon should consider before and after the procedure.

What Can You Request From Your Surgeon?

There are many things your doctor can do to diminish the likelihood of unwanted irregularities, such as lumps or swelling, after liposuction.

First, they will ask you to stand and sit in various positions so they can map out the natural fat distribution in your body. They will consult their notes and diagrams just before surgery, significantly reducing the chance of error.

Before surgery, determining exactly where and how much fat can be removed is critical to the success of the surgery. Discussing all this information beforehand will also help you feel comfortable knowing exactly what results to expect.

Resolving Irregularities During the Procedure

An experienced plastic surgeon can address any unexpected challenges or problems arising while you are on the operating table.

For example, if you have a persistent deformity, your surgeon should be able to shape or manipulate fat to smooth the bulge or add volume to fill a recess. Your surgeon's improvisational skills will go a long way toward preventing the need to undergo corrective surgery in the future.

Because bulges and depressions are typical and usually heal within a few weeks, your plastic surgeon will treat only the most apparent contour irregularities.

Treatment of Irregularities after Surgery

You may leave your surgeon's office thinking everything went according to plan but discover problems and irregularities during your recovery.

However, if your contour irregularities worsen or do not heal properly in the days and weeks following surgery, it is unlikely that this is the case, and you should inform your surgeon.

If you are dissatisfied with the result, you can request corrective reverse liposuction, but most surgeons will ask you to wait at least six months if the issue resolves itself.

During this waiting period, it is natural to become impatient with the desired results, so in the spirit of self-help, you must continue to follow an exercise, rest, and diet program. Your appearance and self-esteem will improve as you become part of the healing process.

Using Compression Garments

After surgery, there's a plethora of things you can do to speed up the recovery process.

Using compression garments helps reduce fluid buildup, bruising, and swelling. Applying even pressure to the area improves blood circulation, and your new shape is preserved.

Compression garments are fitted to the healing area of the body and are usually worn for one to four weeks.

AirSculpt® Can Help Address Botched Liposuction

Suppose you've unfortunately had bad liposuction results in the Minneapolis area and want the opportunity to revert those results or get the appearance you initially paid for. In that case, Elite Body Sculpture has the exact solution for you.

Our Revision AirSculpt® trumps any form of revision liposuction in Minneapolis, thanks to our patented technology that removes the need for scalpels, stitches, needles, and general anesthesia within our fat removal processes. 

Fixing botched liposuction has never become more accessible, thanks to our precise process that removes fat without many of the risks of invasive surgical techniques. The next generation of body contouring is here to help you achieve the results you initially sought. Call our Minneapolis body contouring office or any of our 25+ locations worldwide to schedule your complimentary consultation.


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