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Washington, D.C. Front Bra Roll AirSculpt®

Exploring Several Reasons That Can Cause Bra Rolls To Form

woman laughing in bra

When you hear the terms 'back bulge' or 'bra bulge,' nothing beautiful comes to mind. Nor does the feeling of comfort of a perfectly fitting bra.

These bulges occur in the most uncomfortable places: the arms, shoulders, and the back and can sometimes even spawn a smaller set of rolls at the bra line.

A bra bulge is caused by several factors you can control—for example, a poor diet. Eating more calories than you burn turns the excess into fat. Fat doesn't choose where it accumulates, but it'll be significantly noticeable on your upper body in some cases. 

A lack of exercise is only one of the main culprits, however. Even if you eat well, your body being inactive makes fat easily visible on your body. Therefore, make a conscious effort to get out of your desk and break a sweat.

Additionally, one reason bra rolls form that is least expected is wearing a bra that does not fit. You'd be surprised to know how many women wear bras that aren't meant for them!

How Do I Know I'm Wearing The Wrong Bra?

You must always check the fit of the elastic band. It should place itself comfortably against your ribcage. If it feels too tight, it will irritate the surrounding skin and push it to the sides. This is a common problem for strapless bras.

Too much pressure on the side causes or accentuates the appearance of bak fat. If the band is too loose, it will slide up, pull the skin upwards, and push the same effect.

Another indicator of a poorly fitting bra is the wrong cup size. If the fabric of the cup causes an imprint on your boobs, then you should increase your cup size.

Creasing bra cups indicate that the size is too large. This is common with bras designed to keep your breasts together, pressing into your chest with a tight band, causing your arm or back fat to bulge. 

Take A Look At Your Bra Style

There are several bras for women of all shapes and sizes. But, this is where most women get confused. A style of bra in one size doesn't work for another woman in another style. 

Therefore, don't depend on what the tag says; go into a changing room and make sure the bra is comfortable. 

How To Fix Bra Bulges

Elite Body Sculpture offers the optimal bra bulge treatment in Washington, D.C., for patients that want a truly comfortable, accurate experience. 

Front Bra Roll AirSculpt® is a minimally invasive procedure that doesn't use a scalpel, needle, stitches, or general anesthesia to provide outstanding results. Patients needing help with the underarm region can also opt for Arm AirSculpt, while patients looking to sculpt away back bra bulges may opt for an Upper Back treatment.

Regardless of your goals, we will work to ensure what's best for you; call our Washington, D.C. office for your first consultation. 


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