Fat Removal
Ways to Get Rid of Armpit Fat: Liposuction, Lifts, and AirSculpt

Armpit fat, also known as axillary fat, is a collection of fat separate from the breasts. It appears as a slight bulge next to the armpit and is quite common with average breast size and body weight. Like outer thigh fat, these stubborn pockets of fat on the underarm can resist diet and exercise routines.
Most women complain about armpit fat due to the bulge protruding from their bra or swimsuit, causing them to wear clothes that cover the area. That means that tanktops, lingerie, and thin straps are a no-go.
Nevertheless, the world of cosmetic procedures has found several solutions to this issue with varying techniques and methods. Read on to learn more.
How to Get Rid of Armpit Fat
One of the procedures to get rid of the excess fat is armpit liposuction, which often uses general anesthesia. The process consists of placing incisions around the armpit to insert a cannula that will suction out the excess fat.
It's an outpatient procedure, so you'll be back at home the very same day, but a strict recovery regime should be followed. It's recommended that you rest for 48 hours and avoid any form of heavy lifting for about a month.
A compression garment must be worn for about four to six weeks to deal with any swelling. Patients can return to their desk jobs after about a week with the surgeon's permission.
Arm Lift
Another procedure that is performed is a Brachioplasty or arm lift. This surgery works best for women with flabby upper arms and a portion of fat that extends into the armpit.
An arm lift is a procedure that combines elements of liposuction and excision, designed to remove fat and excess skin. It's a more complex process since it takes about 2 hours to complete.
The recovery time is similar to liposuction, calling for compression garments to be wrong for about a month and limited force exertion for that period.
Elite Body Sculpture's Armpit and Underarm AirSculpt®
Elite Body Sculpture offers a procedure that can provide results just as well as liposuction or an arm lift, but with a much shorter recovery time.
The Armpit and Underarm AirSculpt® is a precision-engineered process that doesn't use a scalpel, needle, stitches, or general anesthesia, making it the most accurate and comfortable alternative on the market.
That's because no noticeable scarring or lengthy downtime is involved.
Come to our Houston office to schedule your first consultation.