Fat Removal
Buffalo Hump Removal Choices: Pick Atlanta's Most Effective Treatment
A buffalo hump, also referred to as a hunchback, is the accumulation of fat found at the base of the neck and shoulders.
These fat deposits can sometimes expand towards the ears and continue to the front portion of the neck.
The primary causes of a buffalo hump or a dorsocervical fat pad (medical terms) are:
- Health conditions
- Side effects of medications
- Hormonal imbalances
- Obesity
- Poor posture
- Osteoporosis
- Injury
- Genetics
- Abnormalities in the spine
Before your treatment, your surgeon will evaluate your buffalo hump to determine the cause to see whether it is a medical complication or one that is merely aesthetic.
Benefits of a Buffalo Hump Removal
Removing a buffalo hump will give you a more aesthetically pleasing upper back and lower neck, given that the procedure removes the noticeable bulge.
This can also result in alleviating any neck and back discomfort that patients usually have with this condition.
Neck mobility can also be restored for patients who have restricted motion because of the excess tissue.
Best Candidates For Buffalo Hump Removal
Patients who are well-suited for this procedure are generally healthy.
You must consult with your doctor to see whether surgery is a process that you should pursue. A thorough examination will be made alongside a review of your medical history to see if you qualify.
In most cases, you'll have to undergo an x-ray to get an understanding of the health status of your hump. Once that's done, the surgeon will decide if it's to be removed by excision, liposuction, or a combination of those techniques.
Buffalo Hump Removal With Liposuction
Liposuction used to be the primary procedure generally used to remove buffalo humps. The treatment consists of creating tiny incisions around the treatment area, in which a cannula is then inserted to remove the fat.
The typical recovery time for this procedure requires that you rest for about two weeks. In some cases, you will have drains connected to the treatment site to ensure proper healing.
The Best Atlanta Buffalo Hump Treatment
If you're someone that isn't into resting for two weeks for a procedure or wanting to deal with drains connected to your body, you may be interested in minimally invasive alternatives that could offer just as promising results.
The best Atlanta buffalo treatment is the AirSculpt® Buffalo Hump by Elite Body Sculpture.
The procedure offers you results comparable to or even better than liposuction without many of its potential risks and extended recovery time. The results are immediate, and you'd only have to rest for two days!
Elite Body Sculpture Atlanta: Next-Gen Fat Removal
At Elite Body Sculpture, we take pride in our technologically advanced fat removal procedures that do not require a scalpel, needle, general anesthesia, or drains.
If you want to remove stubborn fat from the back of your neck and renew your confidence, go to Elite Body Sculpture Atlanta to begin your first consultation.