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Fat Removal

San Diego Buffalo Hump AirSculpt®

Buffalo Hump Removal: San Diego's Best Neck Fat Procedure 

Buffalo Hump Removal: San Diego's Best Neck Fat Procedure 

A buffalo hump is the lump of extra fat located underneath the neck, between the shoulder blades. The hump can often make you look much older than you are.

It's relatively common. Most can at least think of one person that they've seen with a buffalo hump. 

That's because there's a standard range of causes for buffalo humps to form, such as:

  • Genetics
  • Poor posture - be careful with the way you sit at your desk or use your smartphone!
  • Weight gain
  • Medications
  • Injuries
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Osteoporosis

It's important to note that buffalo humps do not cause other health problems. The primary motive for removing them is because they are perceived as aesthetically appealing. 

Additionally, it is quite challenging to lose weight and burn fat in the area behind the neck and shoulders. Therefore various people are opting for buffalo hump removal treatments.

Am I Able To Undergo Buffalo Hump Removal Surgery?

These procedures are best for those who have a lump caused by fat buildup. Medically related causes such as Cushing's Syndrome or cervical kyphosis should not be treated with cosmetic surgery.

What Comprises A Buffalo Hump Surgery?

If you've experimented with physical exercise, diet, and posture adjustment with little progress, you may be interested in undergoing a surgical alternative to get rid of your buffalo hump. 

Typical buffalo hump surgery involves the use of tumescent liposuction.

This consists of injecting a local anesthetic solution containing epinephrine and lidocaine into the area, causing it to numb, swell, and firm up. 

Once the area becomes tumescent, the surgeon will create small incisions to insert a cannula, a manual instrument that suctions fat from behind the neck and shoulders. 

The Recovery Period

After the surgery, you will experience swelling that will last for the first week. The surgeon will give you a compression garment to cope with swelling.

It takes a few months for the results to appear as the swelling decreases.

The Best Buffalo Hump Treatment in Southern California

The best buffalo hump treatment in San Diego is provided exclusively at Elite Body Sculpture.

Having to undergo liposuction, with its abrasive, scraping motion and outdated cannula is no longer a decision you'll have to resort to.

Elite Body Sculpture's Buffalo Hump AirSculpt® is the optimal procedure. While we also use a cannula, the AirSculpt technique uses a patented design that spins in an automated, rapid fashion, making fat removal as smooth as plucking grapes off a vine. 

AirSculpt® procedures do not require a scalpel, needle, stitches, or general anesthesia. Therefore, we offer you a cosmetic procedure that's minimally invasive, with results more precise and safer to obtain than liposuction. 

A short downtime period of 24 to 48 hours is another benefit that we take great pride in. Our technology simultaneously removes fat and helps tighten the skin; therefore, receiving a skin tightening procedure for optimal results isn't something you have to do with AirSculpt®.

If you want to experience our advanced fat removal process, head over to Elite Body Sculpture San Diego for your first consultation. 


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