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Salt Lake City AirSculpt® Power BBL™

A Complete Guide To Getting a Bigger Butt and Curvier Figure

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Not all of us hit the genetic lottery when it comes to our backsides. Although flat bums are entirely normal, many seek to shape or enlarge their buttocks.

If you are trying to achieve a larger butt, know that it is entirely achievable but takes time and routine effort in the gym.

Your backside contains the largest muscle group in your body, the gluteus. Three different muscles comprise the glutes:

Glutes as gluteal body muscles for human buttocks strength outline concept

  • Gluteus maximus: The most significant gluteal muscle that is most responsible for making it "pop."

  • Gluteus medius: Located above the gluteus Maximus on the sides of the butt, connected to hip ligaments. 

  • Gluteus minimus: The smallest muscle in the buttock located right underneath the gluteus medius muscle.

The glutes are used during movements like walking, sitting, running, and jumping; beyond aesthetic reasons, keeping these muscles healthy is key for mobility as we age. Having a strong foundation can also help you develop upper body strength with a more solid foundation.

Like other body parts, the glutes can vary in shape and tone. And if they don't have the volume you'd like, there are ways to boost the size of these muscles.

Here are some strategies you can consider to achieve a curvy and more prominent butt.

Exercises For Bigger Buttocks

The gluteus maximus is most responsible for the size of your butt and can best be trained with compound movements. These include squats, deadlifts, and hip thrusts. 

Training the gluteus minimus and medius is excellent for mobility while also helping define your curves. To target these groups, perform hip movements like raises, hip abduction, and side planks with leg raises. 

If you're ready to add some mass to your buttocks, the following butt-boosting exercises will provide you with quite outstanding results. Beyond building muscle and increasing your buttock size, performing these exercises will also help you burn fat.  

Start slowly with these exercises, and just do one set if you're a beginner. If the practices become easier, adding weight or increasing the number of sets can help you progress.

1. Glute Bridge

The glute bridge isolates and strengthens the glute muscles, hamstrings, and core to improve your hip stability. The bodyweight version is a great way to ease into things if you are new to the gym. Try glute bridges with resistance bands or even a barbell for more variation. Also, play around with single-leg bridges once ready.  

To perform bridges, lie flat on the floor and keep your knees bent and feet planted on the floor. Place your arms along your sides with the palms facing downward.

Then, contract your abdominals and glutes, powerfully pushing through your feet to lift your hips off the floor. Make sure to maintain plenty of posterior pelvic tilt and only go up as high as you can to hold the top position for about five seconds. 

Your body should form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders, and your core should be engaged throughout the process. Perform three to four sets of 15 bodyweight glute bridges, then progress to weighted versions.

2. Jumping Squats

Jumping squats are a powerful exercise that will boost your heart rate and strengthen the rest of your leg muscles, especially the quads and glutes. Traditional squats with heavier weights are also great, but jumping squats specifically will help you burn calories while building muscle. 

 These are a demanding exercise, so ease into them if you are not already in good shape. 

To perform jump squats, start standing in a squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to your knees. As you lower, allow your arms to extend forward with your core engaged. Do not slouch forward. 

From the lower squatting position, quickly push down through your feet to jump up and off the ground. Aim to push your feet at least several inches off the ground. Land as softly as possible while lowering into a new squat, then repeat for ten to 15 reps. Perform these holding dumbells for a more difficult jumping squat.

3. Walking Lunges with Weights

Walking lunges are a great exercise to build and tone your glute muscles while growing your quadriceps and strengthening core stability. 

Start the exercise by holding a dumbbell in each hand with your arms at your sides. Stand hip-width apart and take one step with your left foot.

As your foot touches the ground, bend your leg until the left knee becomes parallel to the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds, then step with your right leg and repeat with that side.

4. Single-leg Deadlifts

Deadlifts, in general, are a great way to strengthen your hamstrings while toning your gluteus and your entire legs. From the easier body weight toe touches to barbell deadlifts to single-leg Romanian deadlifts, any variation can help your lower body grow and enhance your backside when done correctly. 

The single-leg deadlift is a more advanced movement that targets the glutes and hamstrings while boosting your balance and core stability.

Begin the exercise by holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand. Keep your back straight and let your hands rest right in front of your thighs. Raise one leg on its tippy toes, with the other leg's foot firm and flat on the ground.  

Bend forward from the hips, use your hip as a hinge, and do not bend from the legs or slouch your chest. Hinge forward and allow the leg that was raised to its toes to go straight backward. 

The leg with its foot on the ground should stay slightly bent and not rigid throughout the exercise. As you bend forward from the waist, allow your hands with the weights to drop toward your toes, almost touching your leg. 

Pause for a second, then hinge back to your standing position on both feet, then repeat the process. with the other leg.

Nutrition For a Bigger Butt

The best way to build muscle, including in the glutes, is by eating a balanced diet with plenty of lean protein and complex carbs.  

Aim to include healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, cheese, avocados, and yogurt, many of which also have a lot of protein in them as well.  

Also, make sure to eat enough food before a workout. Fasted workouts can be a good idea when aiming to cut, but when looking to build muscle like glutes, you may see more success with a solid amount of carbs before lifting.

Rest, Sleep, and Mental Health

The adage goes that muscles are broken in the gym, fed in the kitchen, and built during sleep.

Aim for seven to nine hours per night and avoid eating right before bed to get the most out of your rest. Other tips for getting a good night's sleep include:

  • Sleep at cold temperatures

  • Follow the same bedtime routine each night

  • Get sunlight first thing in the morning and during the day

  • Stop drinking caffeine eight to ten hours before bed 

  • Exercise routinely 

  • Avoid bright lights before bed

  • Do nothing but sleep in bed 

Finally, ensure you are not neglecting your mental health. Stress and stubborn fat are actually linked, so maintaining a healthy mental health approach can also help you achieve your body goals.  

Shapewear For A Curvier Butt

Now that we've defined exercise as one of the optimal ways to get a bigger buttock naturally, it should be clear that you won't see results right away. Exercising takes time and consistency.

If you're looking for a quick fix to your buttocks aesthetic, shapewear is quite helpful. These garments are designed to lift and enhance your buttocks, helping you bring out the natural curves and more definition.

To lift your buttocks, these garments use a combination of butt-lifting pads and compression material to mold your lower body. While these effects are only temporary, shapewear is a great way to feel more comfortable with your own body as you embark on your fitness journey.

Buttock Enhancement Procedures

If garments and exercise aren't providing you with ideal results, you could consider undergoing a cosmetic procedure such as a Brazilian butt lift or buttock implants.

A buttock implant is a surgical process where a doctor places a silicone implant into, above, or under your glute muscle to add volume.

A Brazilian butt lift instead uses fat from one area of your body is used to augment the volume of the buttocks. This approach is generally a less invasive procedure than implants and has a shorter recovery while providing a softer, more realistic look and feel.

In some cases, expert surgeons can increase the apparent size of your butt with fat removal alone, as the patient in the image above achieved. 

By strategically removing stubborn fat 360 degrees around her midsection, our surgeon-artist not only thinned her figure but also augmented the apparent size of her buttocks.

Now, three months post-op, her dramatic results and stunning hourglass shape will continue to improve with time!

The Optimal Buttock Augmentation 

To finalize your read on how to get a bigger butt, we've gladly saved the best for last.

Most patients tend to be concerned about invasive surgery, which is why AirSculpt® created a way for you to transfer fat to your buttocks without the need for invasive surgical techniques.

The AirSculpt® Power BBL™ offers Salt Lake City residents a natural buttock enhancement that does not use a scalpel, needle, stitches, or general anesthesia. The minimally invasive process is what allows patients to have a comfortable cosmetic experience.

Also, our procedures have a shorter downtime than their traditional counterparts and do not produce noticeable scarring. From getting rid of hip dips to adding projection to the buttocks, this treatment can be customized to provide the exact buttock shape you desire. 

We're the next generation of body contouring, and we're proud to provide Salt Lake City with our groundbreaking products and services.

Get a bigger butt without the hassle of traditional liposuction or buttock implants. Call our Salt Lake City office or the body sculpting center nearest you to schedule your free consultation.


Ready For The Defined Shape You Want?

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