AirSculpt® Education
Cost of Buffalo Hump Lipo: What Surgery Will Run You

If you have excess fat that seems to stick out behind your neck and shoulders, you may have a buffalo hump. What is a buffalo hump, you ask? It's simply a buildup of excess fat along the back and upper part of the neck, making it look like a lump is sticking out. These fat bulges can result from an underlying medical condition or obesity and can damage self-esteem.
Generally, this condition is not considered severe and does not affect a person's overall health. However, this unsightly and frustrating cosmetic problem can completely change your behavior and lead to lifelong self-esteem issues. In addition, a buffalo hump can not only be a painful feature but can also interfere with the neck's range of motion and movement.
What Causes a Buffalo Hump?
A common cause of a hump behind the shoulders is due to Cushing's syndrome, which causes the body to produce an excess of the cortisol hormone, essential for processing proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. People with Cushing's syndrome tend to gain weight all over the body, and there may be a redistribution of body weight to areas such as the neck and shoulders. This hormonal imbalance causes the bump to fluctuate in size over time.
Obesity and rapid weight gain can cause fatty tissue in the body to accumulate in the back areas. In addition, buffalo humps sometimes occur as a side effect of certain prescription drugs (including AIDS drugs) and long-term use of steroids, including prednisone. Osteoporosis, a medical condition in which the bones become thinner, can also cause the spine to curl, resulting in a hump shape. HIV patients with lipodystrophy, the loss or accumulation of fat associated with HIV, may also develop a humpback.
Removal of a Buffalo Hump with Liposuction
Cosmetic surgery is an option for those that have attempted diet and exercise with minimal results. A plastic surgeon will usually recommend liposuction to remove the stubborn fat deposits altogether and smooth out the protruding area at the back of the neck. Don't be put off by the idea of fat removal: an experienced plastic surgeon will be able to perform this liposuction surgery safely and on an outpatient basis with relatively little pain.
Different types of liposuction are used to remove fat deposits in the upper neck area. While each method has its advantages and disadvantages, many are quite similar. They use specialized instruments to suction away fat below the skin's surface to reduce skin fullness. Doctors typically use a liposuction cannula (a thin, hollow tube) to loosen and remove excess fat. Before deciding on a particular liposuction procedure, talk to your doctor about your medical history and expectations.
Cost of Buffalo Hump Removal
The cost of the buffalo hump lipo varies greatly depending on the type of liposuction performed, how much fat needs to be extracted, and the area where you live. Generally, liposuction costs more in the more vast areas of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs. Depending on the method, liposuction costs can fall between $3,000 and $6,000 and, in some extreme cases, over $10,000.
Unfortunately, insurance does not cover most procedures to remove the buffalo hump. Still, if you can show that the condition prevents you from being typically physically active, you may be able to convince your insurance company to cover some of the costs. When exploring treatment options for buffalo hump, seek medical advice only from a licensed plastic surgeon.
Elite Body Sculpture's Optimal Choice
Patients' most common concern over buffalo hump liposuction is the cost and whether the procedure is the best investment to change their appearance.
Working with Elite Body Sculpture is your best bet to ensure the best quality outcome worth the price, thanks to the power of AirSculpt® technology.
Buffalo Hump AirSculpt® doesn't use scalpels, stitches, needles, or general anesthesia, creating a safer and more comfortable process that doesn't run the same risks as traditional liposuction. Better yet, our patented fat removal device is specially designed to enhance precision. Besides better results, patients enjoy fewer side effects and quicker recovery thanks to the targeted way we can remove buffalo hump fat and spare surrounding tissue entirely.
For more information on how we can help you, call our Salt Lake City office to schedule your complimentary consultation.