Fat Removal
Differentiating Axillary Breast Tissue From Armpit Fat

Losing fat can be frustrating because certain body parts are usually the most difficult to slim down.
The abdomen, buttocks, arms, and thighs are usually the hardest to lose fat when struggling with excess weight.
One area that can be challenging to tone is the armpit and bra roll area. In fact, the desire to remove fat from the arm area is one of the main reasons thousands of patients visit AirSculpt® each year. Our innovative method of reducing fat is a solution common for women who haven't seen positive results with diet and exercise.
That said, for some women, their struggles are due to axillary breast or glandular tissue rather than excess fat. Regardless of its cause, a bulge in the armpit area can make it uncomfortable to wear certain tight-fitting clothes and bathing suits.
Keep reading to learn the difference between axillary fat and extra breast tissue and how to treat each.
What Contributes to Armpit Fat?
While genes can play a large role in how body fat is distributed in your body, there are other causes of axillary fat:
Wearing tight clothes that do not fit for extended periods.
Poor posture, especially if you work a desk job.
Excess body weight or obesity.
In some cases, people can even have more axillary fat under one armpit than the other.
Axillary Breast Tissue vs. Armpit Fat
Let us first understand the distinction between arm fat and breast (or glandular) tissue.
Axillary breast tissue is fibrous, as is normal breast tissue. It can either be caused by breast tissue or excess fat, but it should be known that it is normal and not a health risk.
Axillary breast tissue can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, generally the result of coming-of-age events such as menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. As a result, breast tissue can be more quick to grow or shrink.
By contrast, armpit fat is mainly influenced by extra fat in the breast and underarm area. Therefore, it tends to change shape less quickly, as weight gain takes time. Genetics also affect how fat tissue is distributed throughout your body. Therefore, people prone to developing accessory breast tissue around their upper body may have bulging armpit fat.
How To Tell Underarm Fat From Axillary Breast Tissue
Although they look the same, axillary breast tissue and arm fat are quite different in how they look and feel and can be removed.
Axillary breast tissue is regular breast tissue that extends out into the armpits in some people. This tissue feels fibrous and is not at all a health concern, but can cause some patients to feel self-conscious about their appearance.
Glandular tissue mainly responds to changes in hormone levels, such as those that occur during pregnancy or puberty. These fluctuations cause axillary tissue to look and feel heavier and more fibrous at times, often causing people to confuse it for armpit fat.
Armpit fat feels softer and does not tend to fluctuate with hormonal changes and instead responds to your overall health and weight. However, if you lose weight, axillary tissue in the breast area can also decrease, causing further confusion between the two.
Can You Reduce Either With Exercise?
Directly targeting your armpit fat with exercise will not be possible. Spot targeting fat is a myth, and this includes the arm and breast areas.
You can commit to an armpit fat-reducing exercise plan of cardio and upper arm workouts to reduce overall body fat. Slowly but surely, losing weight and gaining muscle will cause fat throughout the body to decrease, including in the armpits.
As mentioned above, axillary breast tissue also might decrease in size if you drop weight, but it will not fully disappear.
Treatments For Armpit Fat And Excess Breast Tissue
Before deciding on any procedure or exercise routine, it is essential to assess whether stubborn arm flab formed as a result of fat under the upper arms or excess breast glandular tissue that extends into the armpit.
Patients should consult with a doctor before any treatment, and this is when they will determine whether the patient needs fat removed or a different type of treatment.
Treating excess breast tissue involves removal via surgical excision. The process involves placing an incision around the glandular area, lifting the skin, and removing the tissue.
If you have determined that your goal is to reduce armpit fat, Armpit and Underarm AirSculpt® is a minimally invasive technique that uses no scalpel, needle, stitches, or general anesthesia to sculpt the underarms and permanently remove stubborn fat.
Axillary Breast Tissue
Consult with a qualified surgeon specializing in breast and body contouring procedures.
Consider excision as the primary intervention to remove excess glandular tissue.
Armpit Fat
Engage in a fitness routine that includes exercises targeting the triceps and upper arms.
Add cardio activities to your routine to get your heart rate up and boost fat loss.
Consider a fat reduction procedure to help with spot-reduction of stubborn fat.
Permanent Armpit Fat Removal With Skin Tightening With AirSculpt
Armpit and Underarm AirSculpt® offers Dallas residents permanent fat removal with tighter skin in one fully awake process.
The surgeon numbs the area with the AirPen, which uses air pressure to administer a numbing solution.
The surgeon uses a biopsy punch to form an even, small opening no wider than an average freckle.
After a local anesthetic is applied, the patented AirSculpt® device is inserted to remove fat and help tighten skin simultaneously.
Once all of the fat is removed, the entry point is left to heal, leaving a mark the size of a freckle.
The AirSculpt approach believes fat removal from anywhere, including the armpits, ought to be comfortable and accurate for all patients. Our patented technique provides enhanced finesse to our surgeons, which is critical when sculpting a small area like the underarms.
Although we do not perform excision, many patients achieve their desired results with fat removal and AirSculpt+ skin tightening on their arms.
To talk with a qualified plastic surgeon and decide what is best for you, call our Dallas body contouring office or any of our 27+ fat removal centers worldwide to schedule your free consultation.