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Chin AirSculpt®

See What Double Chin Removal With AirSculpt® Achieved in Just One Month

one month Chin AirSculpt before and after

Although it is still common practice for patients to target several areas containing stubborn fat, refining smaller body parts that can significantly enhance one's overall figure has become more popular in the cosmetic field.

One area that can significantly change your appearance without requiring much work is the chin. Removing fat from the chin and neck and getting rid of what's commonly known as the 'double chin' can do wonders for your profile by helping the rest of your body look thinner.

As you can see from her before and after photos, Malia sculpted her jawline with Chin AirSculpt®, our patented submental fat removal process that doesn't use scalpels, stitches, needles, or general anesthesia.

In just one month, Malia's jaw went from showing a double chin to having a linear, sculpted slope from her to chin to her neck. By contouring just that area, you can also see how her face adapted to even appear younger.

AirSculpt® procedures permanently remove fat from the treated area, as fat cells do not regenerate once removed. Non-surgical treatments, while claiming to do the same, offer an inefficient solution to excess chin fat, as they cause fat cells to empty without actually removing them. 

One added benefit of Chin AirSculpt® is that it only has a downtime of 24 to 48 hours, and there's noticeable scarring. Instead of a scalpel, we use a biopsy punch to create a perfectly symmetrical two-millimeter hole from which fat is extracted, leaving a freckle-sized blemish at worst. If interested, be sure to check out more dramatic body contouring before and after photos in our interactive gallery.

If you want outstanding results sculpted as seamlessly as Malia achieved, schedule your consultation at one of our 20+ AirSculpt® locations to learn more from our body sculpting specialists.


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