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Lipdema Treatments: Which Type of Liposuction Works Best?

Lipedema is a chronic condition marked by the abnormal accumulation of fat cells, mainly in the legs or lower limbs. It can cause pain, swelling, and bruising, significantly impacting a person's quality of life. 

Lipedema tends to only affect women, as it is quite rare among men. According to a 2016 study published in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal, roughly one in nine women may have lipedema. It can even affect patients of all shapes and sizes, even those leading an active lifestyle with a balanced diet. 

For many years, lipedema has been challenging to treat effectively, leading to frustration for patients and healthcare professionals. However, the most effective solution, liposuction, is a straightforward and proven treatment offering long-term relief for lipedema patients.

Understanding Lipedema

Before delving into the details of liposuction as a solution for lipedema, it's essential to understand lipedema better. Lipedema is a chronic and progressive condition mainly affecting women. In fact, an estimated 11 percent of the adult female population has it. Lipedema often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed as regular obesity or lymphedema. 

The condition is best described as an irregular distribution of adipose (fat) tissue and water retention. Lipedema often results in disproportionately large, column-like lower limbs. This shape is sometimes called a tree trunk look due to how uneven the body can appear. Lipedema is most commonly found in the legs but can also affect the hips, butt, arms, stomach, and other body parts. 

Unlike regular obesity, lipedema fat is resistant to diet and exercise. In addition, lipedema has a distinct distribution and often leads to disproportionate body shapes.

Lipedema can have severe physical and psychological consequences for those affected. The excess accumulation of fat cells can lead to chronic pain, easy bruising, and limited mobility. Those with lipedema often suffer from body image issues and reduced quality of life due to its impact on their figure.

Identifying the Symptoms of Lipedema

Recognizing the early signs of Lipedema is crucial for timely intervention. Common symptoms include:

  • Enlarged and Painful Fat Deposits: Some areas may feel soft and painful to touch. The pain can worsen with pressure or prolonged standing.

  • Symmetrical Fat Accumulation: Lipedema tends to affect both sides of the body, creating a mirror-like fat distribution.

  • Disproportionate Appearance: The lower limbs and buttocks often appear larger than the upper body.

  • Easy Bruising: Individuals with lipedema may bruise easily because of the blood vessels fragility in the affected areas.

  • Minimal Response to Diet and Exercise: Lipedema fat does not typically respond well to traditional weight-loss efforts.

A Look Into What Causes Lipedema

While the exact cause of lipedema remains unclear, hormonal issues and genetics are thought to be key factors. Significant hormonal imbalances, estrogen fluctuations, pregnancy, or menopause may trigger the abnormal growth of fat cells. A family history of lipedema can also lead to a higher risk of developing it.

Diagnosing Lipedema

Correctly treating lipedema requires an accurate diagnosis. Many women are told they have obesity, leading them to seek ineffective solutions like bariatric surgery. 

Diagnosing lipedema requires a thorough examination by a qualified healthcare professional. They may perform a physical evaluation and take a medical history to decide if it is lipedema or general leg fat. An accurate diagnosis is essential for devising an effective treatment plan.

Treating Lipedema: Many Options, But One Stands Out 

While lipedema is chronic with no direct cure, several treatment options can help manage its symptoms and improve quality of life. Some practical approaches include:

    • Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT): CDT combines several approaches, including manual lymphatic drainage, compression garments, and therapy, exercise, and skincare. This plan can help reduce swelling and pain and improve lymphatic circulation in the affected areas. However, it will not lower the amount of fat cells in the legs, as CDT is merely designed to alleviate symptoms. 

    • Liposuction: Liposuction, specifically tumescent and power-assisted liposuction, is a surgical option to remove excess fat cells in lipedema. This treatment can lead to significant improvements in body contour and reduce pain. Although more invasive than compression therapies, liposuction is the only treatment that can directly remove pain-inducing fat and improve the legs' appearance and mobility in the long term.

    • Vibration Plates: Vibration plate therapy involves the use of plates that pulse at a specific frequency. The patient stands on a device with a vibrating platform, which sends energy through the body. This treatment relaxes and contracts muscles repeatedly to enhance circulation and alleviate discomfort. Like CDT, this approach does not effectively treat the cause of lipedema on its own and only manages symptoms.

    • Customized Exercise Plans: Working with a physical therapist can help patients design workout plans that promote mobility, reduce pain, and support health.

    • Lifestyle Modifications: Adopting a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise can complement other treatment methods and improve overall well-being. Staying close to one's ideal weight range and looking after the skin can promote a healthier life.  

Traditional Liposuction: Limitations and Drawbacks

For many years, traditional liposuction has been attempted as a surgery for lipedema. Traditional liposuction involves the removal of fat cells through a manual cannula, but this method has limitations. 

Standard hand-driven liposuction is less able to address the unique, tough nature of lipedema fat. As a result, this method is less successful in providing long-term relief for patients. Plus, traditional liposuction can result in significant bruising and tissue trauma, leading to extended recovery periods.

Another complicating factor highlighted in a 2021 study published in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal is the development of fibrosis. It was suggested that women with lipedema may be at a higher risk of developing fibrosis after liposuction

Although not a foolproof solution, power-assisted liposuction techniques reduce the chances of such fibrous tissue forming.  

The Advent of Power-Assisted Liposuction

Vibrating liposuction, also known as power-assisted liposuction (PAL) or vibration-supported liposuction, marked a major advancement and is the only direct option for treating lipedema. This fat-removal method was introduced in the 1990s and has grown much more popular over the years. 

This utilizes a slender, vibrating tool called a cannula that gently breaks down fat cells and suctions them out of the body. The vibrations not only facilitate easier fat removal but also help preserve surrounding tissues, resulting in reduced trauma and quicker healing.

Vibrating Liposuction: The Proven Lipedema Treatment

Whether for cosmetic or medical purposes, liposuction permanently removes subcutaneous fat

While fat removal for aesthetic reasons aims to contour select areas to deliver a slimmer, toned look, liposuction for lipedema aims to eliminate pain, improve quality of life, and enhance mobility. Still, this treatment can and will help restore a balanced figure between the upper and lower body as well. 

At AirSculpt, all lipedema surgeries are performed in a minimally invasive setting. Patients stay comfortably awake, able to talk to their surgeon or a friend and listen to music. 

The power-assisted procedure starts with a surgeon numbing the skin without a needle to keep the liposuction patient comfortable. Small entry points the size of freckles are made near the target area with a gentle spinning tool. Next, a tumescent solution is applied. This fluid serves many functions, including numbing the body part internally, reducing bleeding, and making fat cells easier to remove. 

The surgeon will insert a thin vibrating wand called a cannula to begin the fat removal. The patented AirSculpt device's soft yet rapid movements break down the excess fat cells and remove them from the lower body for good.

Lipedema liposuction can be done at any of the 27+ body sculpting centers AirSculpt operates worldwide. The length of procedures varies depending on the extent of fat accumulation and the size of treated areas. After the treatment, patients receive post-operative care instructions and a compression garment to promote optimal healing and results.

Why Is Vibrating Liposuction The Best Surgical Option For Lipedema? 

Compared with lipedema liposuction techniques like VASER, power-assisted techniques are far more gentle. The name may sound abrasive, but in reality, it is far lighter on the body when performed by an experienced plastic surgeon.   

With AirSculpt, patients are always awake under local anesthesia, avoiding the risks of general anesthesia. This specialized form of vibrating liposuction ensures the preservation of the lymphatic system while targeting the diseased adipose tissue. 

Because the vibrating tip breaks down the fat before removal, surgeons can direct the cannula through fatty tissue more gently than with other methods. More fat can be removed in the same amount of time, resulting in lower treatment costs. 

Despite its graceful nature, the power-automated technique is more than able to break down fibrous tissue and versatile enough to access hard-to-reach areas at the same time. Patients with lipedema have no trouble returning for a second procedure if needed in cases of larger-volume fat removal. 

Unlike other methods like water-jet assisted liposuction, which are more manual by design, the automated nature of vibration-supported liposuction gives surgeons enhanced finesse throughout the procedure. Meanwhile, both VASER and laser-assisted liposuction can result in burns if done incorrectly. 

Relevant Studies 

A German study published in 2010 concluded that "advanced liposuction techniques which utilize vibrating microcannulas under tumescent local anesthesia" resulted in significant reductions of pain levels and leg volumes while improving quality of life among subjects. 

A study originally published in 2011 titled "Tumescent liposuction in lipoedema yields good long-term results" followed 164 patients treated with power-assisted liposuction for a year after treatment. Patients were found to show a distinct reduction in subcutaneous fatty tissue, improved body proportions, and reduced pain. 

Finally, a 2015 study published in the British Journal of Dermatology followed the same group of patients for four to eight years. A majority of the patients said they maintained their improvement, demonstrating the long-lasting benefits of power-assisted liposuction for lipedema.

Benefits of Vibrating Liposuction for Lipedema

Power-assisted lipo offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking an effective lipedema treatment:

    • Pain Reduction: As lipedema fat causes pain and discomfort, the removal of excess fat through vibrating liposuction can significantly alleviate symptoms.

    • Improved Mobility: By reducing the volume of lipedema fat, patients often experience increased mobility and flexibility, enhancing their overall quality of life and confidence in their body.

    • Easier Body Contouring: Power-assisted liposuction gives surgeons more control, allowing for more precise and thorough fat removal, even if the process lasts several hours. This makes it easier to provide patients with a more proportionate appearance.

    • Long-Lasting Results: While multiple sessions may be necessary for extensive lipedema cases involving larger volumes of fat, liposuction results are considered permanent with proper post-op care.

    • Gentler Process: The cannula's vibrations loosen fat cells, after which it removes them with a delicate plucking motion. This combined approach results in less downtime and bruising, smaller incisions, and enhanced safety.

    • Precision: The automatically vibrating cannula allows for more precise targeting of lipedema fat, ensuring a smoother and more even result.

    • Less Invasive: Compared to traditional lipo, this method is less invasive, sparing surrounding lymph nodes and organs and reducing discomfort.

    • Improved Safety: The controlled vibrations minimize the risk of damage to blood vessels, nerves, and surrounding tissues.

A recent 2019 study from the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health concluded that liposuction "resulted in a significant improvement of pain, sensitivity to pressure, edema, bruising, feeling of tension, and quality of life." Patients also had experienced reduction in the "size extremities and restriction of movement, and the need for conservative therapy for lipedema." 

The study also found results to be long-lasting, with the caveat that more studies are needed to put the benefits in a clinical perspective. 

When Do Results Develop After Lipedema Liposuction?

Patients will notice results instantly after having liposuction to remove lipedema. Swelling and bruising will persist for a few weeks, but most patients can return to work within one to two days. 

Once patients reach the one-month mark, most discoloration and discomfort will fade. Final results may need about three to six months to appear fully. However, relief from pain-inducing lipedema fat will be felt well before then. 


AirSculpt is undoubtedly a game-changer in the treatment of lipedema. With its precision, minimal invasiveness, and shorter recovery times, this vibrating liposuction technique offers a lasting solution for those dealing with the physical and emotional burden of lipedema.

Talk with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss if vibrating liposuction is a treatment option. Always prioritize your well-being and seek professional advice to make informed decisions about your health.