Fat Removal
AirSculpt® On The Inner Thighs: The Quickest Way to Get a Thigh Gap in Austin

AirSculpt® is one of the optimal procedures that patients undergo for treating a trouble area as notorious as the inner thighs.
Excess fat around the inner thighs is a common issue for women. It often causes their legs to rub against each other, which may result in an uncomfortable rash and a decreased sense of self-confidence.
Removing thigh fat via exercise is more challenging than it seems, given that women are genetically inclined to store and keep fat around their lower body. Additionally, you can't lose fat around the legs by doing leg-focused exercise; fat has to be eliminated via a caloric deficit which has more to do with your diet and cardio.
Since exercise tends to have little to no effect on the inner thighs, many patients consider the cosmetic procedure route to contour the area.
Inner Thigh AirSculpt® Renders Traditional Liposuction Outdated
The minimally invasive AirSculpt® procedure sculpts a balanced and slender leg silhouette with a downtime much shorter than traditional liposuction. Patients often return to work the next day, and heavy lifting can be resumed in two weeks.
With patented AirSculpt® technology, patients experience little to no bruising and minimal trauma to the inner thigh, given that we use two-millimeter-wide entry points and a patented cannula designed for precision.
How Does Inner Thigh AirSculpt® Work?
Inner Thigh AirSculpt® is a procedure that doesn't use scalpels, stitches, needles, drains, or general anesthesia to remove fat from the lower body permanently.
The procedure begins with the AirPen, our substitute for needles, a device that uses pressurized air to administer local anesthetic to the inner thigh.
Afterward, a two-millimeter opening, much smaller than any traditionally marketed "tiny incision," is made with a biopsy punch.
Afterward, the patented AirSculpt® cannula is inserted into the aperture to begin the fat extraction process. While traditional cannulas use an abrasive grating movement to remove fat, AirSculpt® precisely plucks fat from the treatment area.
With AirSculpt®, many patients report feeling just a slight vibration on the treatment site. You'll be wide awake during the entire process, listening to your favorite music while in the operating room.
Treat Your Thighs At Our Austin Office
There's no reason for you to submit your body to invasive traditional liposuction. Our inner thigh fat removal treatment in Austin offers patients an instant thigh gap with just 24 to 48 hours of downtime. AirSculpt® is proud to provide the next generation of body sculpting to Austin residents at our third Texas location.
Call the AirSculpt® location nearest you to schedule your free in-person or virtual consultation.