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7 Nutrition Tips to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat Before 2023 Ends

Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

Obesity and other weight-related medical concerns are quite prevalent in the United States. Many have adopted busy, work-centric lifestyles filled with fast food and a lack of physical activity, and unfortunately, the consequences of such lifestyles can compound as we age.

Many specifically struggle with belly fat, and that problem can cause quite a dent in one's health conditions and self-confidence. You'll look more attractive without belly fat, but you should establish your primary goal as fixing your health.

There's a proven connection between belly fat, also known as visceral fat, and a slew of health concerns like type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Most processed foods contain harmful ingredients like sugar, fat, and excessive carbs.

This is especially prevalent in fast food. Therefore, a wise first step would be to stop consuming cheap, quick meals. Begin preparing your food, keep it healthy, but also make sure to keep it consistent.

We vouch for consistency because losing weight and shedding excess fat isn't simple. If your goal is to reduce belly fat, that'll be quite the challenge; the fat in that area is resistant to training and a diet plan, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. With a consistent and disciplined approach, you'll be enjoying your dream body in no time. 

Read on to learn effective ways to lose belly fat and keep it away in time for the New Year. These tips will focus more on nutrition, but clearly, there are several fat-loss tips outside of the kitchen you can follow as well!

Understanding Stubborn Belly Fat

Types of Belly Fat

Belly fat is not created equal. Subcutaneous fat lies just beneath the skin, while visceral fat surrounds internal organs. Stubborn belly fat often refers to visceral fat, which poses higher health risks.

Causes of Stubborn Belly Fat

Various factors contribute to the accumulation of belly fat, including genetics, hormonal changes, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Understanding these causes is the first step toward effective weight management.

Why Traditional Diets Fail

Many traditional diets fall short in targeting stubborn belly fat. Quick fixes and one-size-fits-all approaches often lead to temporary results, with individuals regaining weight once they return to their regular habits. The best way to lose stubborn fat is consistency rather than a crash diet or detox. Below are seven different but complementary ways to shed this stubborn flab once and for all. 

1. Incorporate Healthy Fats and Avoid "Bad Fats"

Include sources of healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, dairy, and olive oil. These saturated fats are essential for bodily functions and can contribute to a sense of satiety.

That said, don't overdo the amount of healthy fats in your diet, and try to stay away from trans fats and seed oils, which are commonly found in more processed types of foods. Fried foods, baked sweets, and processed snacks that last a long time on the shelf are all items to avoid. 

2. Eat More Protein

Protein is essential for all meals and serves the function of building muscle. It also has the benefit of reducing your appetite by boosting your metabolism.

There's a direct link between protein consumption and lower body fat percentage, all else being equal. Furthermore, if you are supplementing your healthy eating with a dedicated workout routine, protein is critical for building muscle and ensuring your recovery process leads to sustained growth.

Incorporate lean protein sources, such as poultry, fish, tofu, and legumes, into your meals. Red meat is also a great source of nutrient-rich protein. 

3. Reduce Your Sugar Intake

One of the leading causes of excess fat is overeating sugar. It's everywhere in your favorite beverages, bread, candies, and sweets.

A high sugar intake can result in a slew of medical conditions, including but not limited to liver disease, diabetes, higher blood pressure, and more. Sugar can also make you jittery and hungry, leading to stress eating. 

4. Eat Smarter, Not Fewer Carbs

For some people, eating a smaller amount of carbohydrates can be helpful for losing weight. The keto diet is a great tool in the toolshed but is not necessarily the only way to shed fat.

When it comes to identifying culprits, refined carbs are linked to higher amounts of fat in the abdomen. Opt for whole, healthy carbs, and you'll be on the right track. Complex carbs take more time for your body to process, meaning there is less of a sugar spike after consumption, and you'll feel full for longer. Additionally, carbs are an excellent and often necessary fuel source for workouts. 

Here are some examples of healthy carbs to focus on:

  • Rice 

  • Whole-grain bread 

  • Potatoes 

  • Oatmeal

  • Fresh fruit (not juice)

  • Quinoa 

5. Eat Enough Fiber

Fiber-rich foods, like whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, aid digestion and help control appetite. They also contribute to a healthy gut microbiome and even help your body regulate blood sugar levels.

It can be challenging to get enough fiber if you are currently on a keto diet, as carbs tend to be the most fiber-rich. Consider a supplement to reach your necessary amount, but ensure you drink sufficient water. Remaining hydrated in and of itself is also a great way to lose fat, as sometimes, the body can mistake thirst for hunger, leading to unnecessary calorie consumption.

6. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol is considered a sugary beverage and should be avoided for several reasons. An occasional shot of vodka or a glass of red wine is fine, but as with everything in life, moderation is key! 

In addition to its sugar content, alcohol is calorie-dense, and its effects can often lead to over-eating. Drinking excess alcohol can also lead to other health concerns like high blood pressure, high triglycerides, insulin resistance, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and some cancers.

Aim to limit your alcohol consumption to no more than three drinks per week. 

7. Control Portion Sizes By Eating Whole Foods

Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates, don't look at your phone while eating, chew slowly, and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Stress eating is common in today's high-paced world, so use your meals as a chance to reflect and relax. 

One effective way to limit your portion sizes is by preparing your meals at home with whole, unprocessed ingredients. Nutrient-dense and natural foods can help you feel satiated for longer and support overall health.

AirSculpt® Can Help With Stubborn, Diet-Resistant Belly Fat

Even if you do all the right things, stubborn fat can often remain after significant weight loss. Spot-reduction is impossible, meaning you cannot dictate where you want fat to decrease. Arm exercises will build arm muscle rather than burn arm fat, and cardio exercises like running will burn fat throughout the body and not in the legs.   

When you have exhausted all the right diet and exercise-based approaches, options like stomach liposuction offer patients a targeted and permanent solution. That said, not all liposuction techniques are created equal. 

Traditional belly liposuction uses manual tools to abrasively scrape away fat with limited finesse. Large scalpel cuts are needed, resulting in lengthy scars and extended downtime. 

Residents in and around the Minneapolis area can instead opt for AirSculpt, a next-generation alternative to abdominal liposuction. This technique delivers quick, comfortable, and safe results with a single, one-and-done procedure.  

Using a minimally invasive process that doesn't require scalpels, needles, stitches, or general anesthesia, our Edina body sculpting surgeons can remove your belly fat cell-by-cell to sculpt the exact look you want to flaunt in 2024. 

The precise nature of AirSculpt® technology makes it among the most seamless and effective procedures on the market. Whether you want to address the entire abdomen or remove pesky upper stomach fat, we have a personalized treatment for you.

If you are not in the Twin Cities area, contact the fat removal experts nearest you for a free consultation! 


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