Fat Removal
Fibrosis After Liposuction: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery that removes fat cells from different body parts. Although it is generally considered safe, liposuction may cause various complications, including fibrosis.
In this article, we will explore what fibrosis after liposuction is, what causes it, and how it can be treated.
What is Fibrosis after Liposuction?
Generally speaking, fibrosis means the thickening or scarring of tissue. In cosmetic fat removal, fibrosis after liposuction refers to the formation of fibrous tissue in the treated area.
Fibrosis is a natural healing process that occurs in response to tissue damage. In the case of liposuction, fibrosis may occur due to the trauma caused to the underlying tissues during the procedure. The formation of fibrous tissue can lead to contour irregularities in the skin surface, which can cause concern for patients.
Causes of Fibrosis after Liposuction
Fibrosis after liposuction may occur due to several factors, including:
- Trauma to the underlying tissues during the procedure
- Overaggressive liposuction that removes too much fat and disrupts the blood supply to the area
- Inadequate compression garments that do not provide enough support to the treated area
- Infection or inflammation in the treated area
Symptoms of Fibrosis after Liposuction
The symptoms of fibrosis after liposuction may vary depending on the severity of the condition. Some common symptoms include:
- Lumpy or bumpy liposuction results in the treated area
- Kinks or uneven ripples in the skin surface
- Hardening of the skin or tissue
- Pain or discomfort in the treated area
- Limited mobility in the affected area
Diagnosis of Fibrosis after Liposuction
Fibrosis after liposuction can be diagnosed through a physical examination of the treated area. Your doctor may also use imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI to assess the extent of fibrosis.
Treatment of Fibrosis after Liposuction
There are several treatment options available for fibrosis after liposuction, including:
- Massage therapy: Manual massage techniques can break down the fibrous tissue and improve circulation in the affected area. Although lymphatic drainage massages are not always necessary after liposuction, they can help in the case of issues like fibrosis.
- Compression therapy: Compression garments support the treated area and prevent the formation of new fibrous tissue.
- Radiofrequency therapy: RF energy waves can be used to heat the underlying tissues and break down the fibrous tissue.
- Laser therapy: Laser energy can also break down fibrous tissue and help promote collagen production, which can smooth out the skin's surface.
- Surgery: In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to remove the fibrous tissue and restore a smooth skin surface. Revision liposuction treatments may be needed if prior non-surgical interventions do not sufficiently smooth fibrosis-induced bumps.
Preventing Fibrosis after Liposuction
The best way to prevent fibrosis after liposuction is to follow your doctor's post-op instructions carefully. This may include wearing compression garments, avoiding strenuous activities, and keeping the treated area clean and dry.
Various fat removal procedures range from outdated traditional liposuction to more advanced options like AirSculpt®. Regardless of the type of procedure, choosing a qualified, experienced surgeon who uses safe and effective liposuction techniques is essential. Do not try to save money by picking the cheapest treatment. Doing so may cost you more in the form of future revision procedures or massages.
Alternative Treatments for Fibrosis after Liposuction
In addition to the conventional treatments mentioned above, several alternative therapies may help reduce fibrosis after liposuction. These include:
- Acupuncture: This involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to improve circulation and reduce inflammation.
- Herbal remedies: Certain herbs such as arnica and bromelain may help to reduce swelling and inflammation in the treated area.
- Topical creams: Certain creams containing ingredients such as vitamin E, aloe vera, and hyaluronic acid may help to moisturize the skin. This can help reduce the appearance of fibrosis.
It is important to consult your doctor before trying any therapy. Some may not be suitable for everyone and can interact with other medications.
Recovery after Liposuction
Recovery after liposuction can take several weeks, and following your doctor's instructions is essential to ensure a smooth outcome. This may include wearing compression garments, taking pain medication, avoiding strenuous activities, and keeping the treated area clean and dry.
When to Seek Medical Help for Fibrosis
If you have any unusual symptoms, such as severe pain, fever, or excessive swelling, it is vital to seek help right away. These may be signs of an infection or other issues requiring immediate treatment.
Risks and Complications of Liposuction
Like any surgical procedure, liposuction carries a risk of complications. These may include bleeding, infection, scarring, and problems from anesthesia. In addition, liposuction may cause other complications such as fluid buildup, nerve damage, and skin ripples.
Always discuss the risks and benefits of liposuction with your doctor before deciding to undergo the procedure.
Conclusion: Where Can I Treat Fibrosis Directly?
Fibrosis after liposuction is a common complication that can be treated through various methods. To help prevent it, follow your doctor's post-op instructions closely and seek medical help if you have any unusual symptoms. Choosing an experienced surgeon who uses safe and effective liposuction techniques can also help to reduce the risk of complications.
Patients interested in a revision liposuction treatment to resolve issues stemming from fibrosis should opt for Elite Body Sculpture. Their AirSculpt® technique and expert surgeons are uniquely equipped to correct undesired results like fibrosis. With over 25 body contouring offices in the U.S. and Europe, they will be happy to address any questions or concerns. Feel free to call or complete a virtual consult to schedule your free initial appointment.