AirSculpt® Education
Miami Love Handle Liposuction and Alternatives: The Essential Rundown
Love handles, also known as flanks, are an area in which it is common for men and women to accumulate fat. Patients are often interested in liposuction for love handles to resolve this issue.
Yet, before considering undergoing any form of surgery, you should be informed as much as possible about the procedure, its recovery process, and what you should expect.
The Cause Of Love Handles
Fat is stored in the flanks due to pregnancy, aging, and a genetic predisposition. Since we can't often control the causes of love handles appearing, liposuction is sometimes a suitable method to banish them.
You must understand that fat removal through liposuction isn't permanent. If you do not commit to a healthy lifestyle, your remaining adipose cells will continue to expand, and you'll be back where you started.
The Ideal Candidate For Love Handle Liposuction
The ideal candidates for love handle liposuction have good skin elasticity and excess fat resistant to a healthy lifestyle.
It's also crucial that you not smoke at least a few weeks after the procedure to prompt a speedier recovery. The process is also not recommended for those with medical conditions such as heart disease and problems with circulation.
The Cost of Miami Love Handle Liposuction
You should never pick a surgeon's offer for liposuction just because it has the most economical price. Skimping on the price can result in a wide array of issues. Usually, moderately and high-priced procedures have extensive quality control, ensuring optimal results.
Nevertheless, if the procedures check all safety guidelines, you're definitely in the right hands.
The price of liposuction is dependent on various factors, such as the following:
- The geographical location of the procedure
- The surgeon's fees
- The facility fees
- The anesthesiologist fees
- The surgeon's experience.
Elite Body Sculpture's Love Handle Solution
Searching on the internet for which love handle liposuction procedure is best for you can be quite stressful. There are too many options to choose from, but one option stands above the rest.
Hip and Love Handle AirSculpt® by Elite Body Sculpture is a minimally invasive fat removal procedure that doesn't use a scalpel, stitches, needle, or general anesthesia.
Patented AirSculpt technology plucks fat using a robotic motion that renders outdated, painful procedures like flank liposuction obsolete.
Head to Elite Body Sculpture Miami to get started with your first consultation.