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Beverly Hills Buffalo Hump AirSculpt®

Neck and Buffalo Hump Causes and Other Key Information

Woman grazing chin with face pointed up

If you've seen certain cartoons, neck humps are commonly drawn on older characters. These humps have a variety of specific names: Buffalo hump, Dowager's hump, and neck hump. 

Yet, despite their similar appearances, a buffalo and Dowager's Hump are not the same thing. Furthermore, these conditions are not limited to older adults; anyone can form them if genetically predisposed or due to other medical conditions. 

What is The Difference Between a Buffalo and Dowager's Hump?

Humps at the base of the neck have different causes. They can be similar in appearance, but the reasons why they exist are quite different.

A buffalo hump is a growth that is exacerbated by organic growths such as a cyst or excess fat around the vertebrae.

Dowager's hump refers to kyphosis, a medical condition caused by too much forward curvature of the upper back. This causes the chest to scoop inward while compressing the vertebrae in the neck.

The Issues With Neck Humps

Buffalo humps, also known as Dorsocervical fat pads, are more of an aesthetic concern than a medical issue. This firm collection of fat on the upper spine may resemble a Dowager's Hump but is only made up of fat.

As board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Cynthia Poulos mentions, Dowager's Hump, by contrast, is an actual change in the spine with age and loss of bone in the neck.

Aside from the aesthetic issues that these humps can cause, a Dowager's hump can be associated with the following side effects:

  1. Muscle tension

  2. Headaches

  3. Limited flexibility

  4. Neck and back pain

If you leave these neck humps untreated, they can become more noticeable and prominent, which will strain your muscles and wear down your spine's stability.

Causes of Neck Humps

Certain people are more at risk of developing a neck hump due to their age, genetics, gender, and conditions such as osteoporosis or Cushing's syndrome.

Nevertheless, all of us are at risk of developing them because of these neck hump causes:

  1. Poor posture: Having forward head posture, slouching, and a tilted pelvis can cause your spine to lose its natural alignment, which develops a hump.

  2. Injury: Compression fractures that don't correctly heal can lead to a misaligned spine and Dowager's Hump.

  3. Excess fat: Some patients have the genetic tendency to store excess fat throughout their upper back, which is one of the leading buffalo hump causes. This isn't limited to overweight people.

  4. Age: As Dr. Poulos highlights, age and wear and tear can result in the formation of a Dorsocervical fat pad. 

Treat Your Buffalo Hump With AirSculpt® Body Sculpture

buffalo hump removal before and after

buffalo hump removal before and after

If you're someone that has a neck hump due to excess fat surrounding your upper back, then AirSculpt® in Beverly Hills can treat your issue with ease.

As you can see in the before and after Buffalo Hump removal photos above, AirSculpt procedures are designed to precisely remove fat from the body, similar to how it would be done with liposuction, but without the invasive techniques used in those types of surgeries.

Our Buffalo Hump AirSculpt® is a precision-engineered fat removal process that doesn't use a scalpel, needle, stitches, or general anesthesia, making it the most comfortable technique in the city. Despite being less invasive, patients still achieve a permanent reduction of fat in treated areas while returning to their daily routine within 24 to 48 hours. 

We are proud to offer this innovative buffalo hump removal technique in more than 25 locations worldwide. Call our flagship Beverly Hills office or the body contouring center nearest you to schedule a free consultation. 


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