Fat Removal
Pelvic Liposuction Fast Facts: How To Lose Fat Down There
It's a procedure that has existed for quite some time now. Liposuction on the pelvis, also known as FUPA liposuction, has been regarded as the go-to for any patient with stubborn fat pockets below their belly.
Revolutionized Pelvic Liposuction In Seattle
For decades, liposuction has been the most popular fat removal procedure on the market. As things naturally go, this fat removal technique has revolutionized into something bigger over time.
The plastic surgery community has discovered new ways to improve traditional liposuction. Now the possibility of dramatic results with minimal risk is possible. Patients can look like stars on their Instagram feed without chancing it with major risks or medical complications. What a time to feel alive, and who could you thank that for?
Try Elite Body Sculpture, the prime innovator of the cosmetic market, with its AirSculpt® Patented Process.
How Does The AirSculpt® Patented Process Work?
View it as removing fat from your body but without the grueling commitments, long wait, and having to worry about risks.
That's because ArSculpt® doesn't use a scalpel, needle, or general anesthesia. In terms of recovery, you don't have to wait long at all, either.
You can return to all of your activities in 48 hours and will only have to wait two weeks to be off the surgeon's recovery regime. Compare that to traditional pubic liposuction, and the time would be double and even triple.
What Elite Body Sculpture Can Do For You
Elite Body Sculpture has merged convenience and fat removal into one. You will no longer have to be continually second-guessing your decision to get some work done on your body.
This technique can remove any type of fat, including FUPAs, cell-by-cell with a delicate plucking motion akin to picking grapes off a vine. Traditional liposuction, by contrast, is more similar to grating cheese abrasively. Therefore, you'll spend no time worrying about risks and can take the time to invest them in yourself. Our fat removal process is the most precise and safe method available today. If you want to be a part of this Elite experience, head to Elite Body Sculpture Seattle for your first consultation.