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Want Sculpted Abs? Here Are 3 Different Exercises That’ll Give You a Flat Stomach

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Cut abs are among the most prized possession in fitness. They symbolize your commitment to a lifestyle that is defined by healthy and consistency. 

Although abs are usually linked to fitness, not many people know how exactly to get abs. There's more confusion on how to get them than almost any other body part. 

People are usually well informed about training their biceps, but most information they know about abs is doing crunches on the floor. There's much more to it!

That said, getting long-lasting abs in the gym requires a combination of the right cardio, strength training, and core exercises.

Sculpting Your Abs: What You Didn't Know

Doing endless crunches and abdominal exercises will only get you so far. Most of the time, they're not enough to remove the layer of fat covering your abs, meaning that your results will remain hidden.

It's essential to understand that most forms of exercise are better than doing nothing, but what's even more important is to do what's best and efficient for your ideal results. 

There are actions that you can do that will give your short-term benefits and some long-term; the best route to take is those methods that will provide you with both.


There are various types of cardio:

  • Low to moderate intensity, steady-state cardio
  • High-intensity interval cardio

Low to moderate intensity, steady-state cardio has short-term benefits. It allows you to burn a certain amount of calories.

Yet, your body hasn't been taxed enough to continue burning calories after the workout, so whatever you lose in the sessions is all you will burn. Therefore, this type of cardio is the best for recovery.

High-intensity interval cardio (HIIT) is better for directly burning fat; it's going to give you the pronounced abs you're dreaming of.

With HIIT, you perform at the highest output or intensity you have for a short period. You then tone down that intensity to half for another amount of time. Repeat these steps until you reach a moderate level of stress.

HITT is known for giving that afterburn effect, in which fat is burned long after the exercise.

Strength Training


With strength training, you must move enough weight a great enough distance to use as many muscle groups as possible.

To get rid of belly fat, use compound movements with a decent amount of weight to burn many calories. For example, pick a weight up off the floor, bring it to your chest, and push it over your head. This full-body series of movements is what activates the large compound muscles.

Ab Exercises

Working the core muscles will strengthen your back and sculpt your abs. Just doing them alone isn't going to give your washboard abs, so you should combine them with strength training and cardio.

The Fast Way To Get A Sculpted Stomach

While these are natural methods by which you can get the abs you've always wanted, sometimes genetics, children, work, and other obstacles stand in the way.

One technique allows patients to achieve immediate results on their abs with a recovery time as short as one day. 

The AirSculpt® 48-Hour Six Pack™ by Elite Body Sculpture is a minimally invasive procedure that will give you defined abs without even using a scalpel, needle, stitches, or general anesthesia. Fat cells are permanently removed to reveal the sculpted abdominal muscles underneath. 

Scars are practically non-existent, as we only require tiny entry points smaller than a pencil lead. 

If you're seeking the best procedure on the market to sculpt your stomach, contact Elite Body Sculpture New York to begin your first consultation. 


Ready For The Defined Shape You Want?

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