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Banana Roll AirSculpt® Houston

Banana Roll Liposuction and Other Options in Houston

Banana Roll Liposuction

In the simplest of terms, banana rolls are fat that has accumulated under your butt. Banana rolls get their name from the banana silhouette formed at the underbutt, where women tend to store fat.

The rolls form a saggy untoned glute that most people find unattractive due to the fatty appearance.

Interestingly enough, banana rolls are not limited to people who are well above their healthy weight. Depending on a person's weight distribution and composition, banana rolls can be found on thin-framed people.

This is quite frustrating for individuals within the range of their healthy body fat but struggle with these banana rolls on their undersides. Not only because of their appearance but because fitting in clothes can become a hassle.

The Cause For Banana Rolls

That said, having banana rolls is common. Even if extra weight is a prominent factor contributing to their appearance, most of the time, it all boils down to your genetics.

Our genetics detail where fat deposits appear on our body; for some, it's mostly on the thighs; for others, it can be right on the underbutt. As is any form of accumulated fat, it's a frustrating process to get rid of it. That's because most people are going at it incorrectly or inconsistently.

Yet, modernity and advancements in today's cosmetic procedure world have made numerous invasive and non-invasive alternatives for you to choose from to get the butt shape you desire.

Traditional Houston Banana Roll Liposuction

Banana rolls are traditionally removed through liposuction, the most popular option to permanently eliminate fat. Nevertheless, it's the process that involves quite an investment in time, pain, and your wallet.

Liposuction requires general anesthesia and surgery; therefore, it's an option that is prone to several risks and medical complications. Add incisions into the mix and the need to be connected to drains post-procedure, and your recovery time will be about three months long.

The Best Houston Banana Roll Fat Removal

Liposuction is an outdated process. Opt for minimally invasive treatments such as the Banana Roll AirSculpt® by Elite Body Sculpture. 

It is popular because it does not require incisions, stitches, general anesthesia, and a lengthy recovery. Therefore, what you end up with is a precise and safe procedure with much fewer risks or medical complications than its traditional counterparts.

Better yet, our Banana Roll AirSculpt® only has a downtime of 48 hours, allowing you to get back to your routine without a hassle.

Our procedure is not limited to removing banana roll fat but also providing you a better shape and tone to the underbutt area. For more information or to get started with your first consultation, head to Elite Body Sculpture Houston


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