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How Much Does AirSculpt® Cost? What You Need to Know

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AirSculpt® is a patented body contouring treatment provided by AirSculpt® surgeons. We are glad to offer this next-generation body sculpting option in various cities across North America and Europe. We believe procedures should be comfortable, minimize risks, and still deliver dramatic results.

It all started with Aaron Rollins, M.D., founder of AirSculpt® and a cosmetic specialist based in Beverly Hills. He understood that people were becoming increasingly interested in sculpting changes to their bodies with less-invasive alternatives to traditional methods. His AirSculpt® innovation succeeded in removing the fear and qualms about fat removal by providing patients with a comfortable choice besides liposuction.

AirSculpt® is an advanced form of fat removal that is hardly comparable to traditional liposuction, which scrapes away fat with an abrasive and manual cheese grater-like motion. This patented fat removal process is much more subtle but still provides significant results, eliminating fat cell-by-cell, comparable to plucking grapes off a vine.

Is AirSculpt® Better Than Lipo?

The most remarkable aspects surrounding AirSculpt® have much to do with the advanced technology implemented within the treatments. The process doesn't use a scalpel, needle, stitches, or general anesthesia to remove or transfer fat, allowing for a much shorter recovery time and no noticeable scarring.

The process consists of first using the AirPen, a patented device similar to a squirt gun that administers local numbing medication with pressurized air. This device replaces the use of needles to provide a topical numbing effect.

General anesthesia is also common with traditional liposuction, which is why AirSculpt® is proud to provide patients with a safer experience by delivering significant results under local anesthesia. Unlike most body contouring providers, we perform fat transfers while patients remain fully awake. 

After the area has been numbed, the surgeon uses a biopsy punch to form a two-millimeter opening to prepare the fat for extraction. Once the fat is ready, the rapidly oscillating cannula is inserted, seamlessly removing the excess pockets of fat from your body by the cell.

No stitches are needed after our procedure, either, meaning patients do not have to return to get them removed. The entry site is left to heal naturally, resulting in a mark the size of a freckle, if it forms at all.

Financing Your Procedure

AirSculpt offers payment plans through various partners who specialize in patient-related financing. Use the link above to browse the partners we work with and find the financing option that best suits you.

How Much Does AirSculpt® Cost?

AirSculpt® uses precision-engineered technology and offers dramatic results with a shorter recovery time than liposuction or other surgical alternatives on the market. This premium treatment also allows surgeons to perform fully awake fat transfers, all with the same 24 to 48-hour downtime as our permanent fat removal options. Therefore, it's crucial to understand that patients may pay higher amounts than those who use less advanced methods. Furthermore, prices vary depending on the treatment area, patient, and other miscellaneous factors. 

Some of the smaller body parts that are quicker, and therefore less expensive to treat, include:

  1. Arm AirSculpt® 
  2. Front Bra Roll AirSculpt®
  3. Outer Thigh AirSculpt® 
  4. Inner Thigh AirSculpt®
  5. Lower Back AirSculpt®
  6. Knee AirSculpt® 
  7. Buffalo Hump (dorsocervical fat pad) AirSculpt®
  8. Pubic AirSculpt®
  9. Chin AirSculpt®

AirSculpt® pricing is subject to vary depending on the following:

  1. Quantity of fat removed

  2. Number of areas treated

  3. The complexity of the treatment plan

At AirSculpt®, your first consultation with us is complimentary, whether virtual or in person. Contact the AirSculpt® location closest to you to learn more and begin your body contouring experience. 


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