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Fat Removal

Love Handle AirSculpt®

Love Handle and Hip AirSculpt: What Are Some of the Benefits?

Blonde woman measuring waist, sharing weight loss result, being happy over slimming process, keeping healthy diet

If you have an excess amount of fluff, jiggle, or volume on your sides that you would like to reduce, you may be searching for a cosmetic procedure to provide adequate reduction and contouring. Unfortunately, losing this flab gets much more challenging as we age, and diet and exercise can't always help.

Many people turn to ineffective solutions like shape-wear but feel discouraged by their genetics outpacing their efforts in the kitchen and the gym. 

The innovative love handle fat removal approach offered by AirSculpt allows patients to enjoy a comfortable process and truly aesthetic results.

What is Love Handle AirSculpt®?

Love Handle AirSculpt® is designed to address stubborn fat surrounding the hips and contour your waist to provide an hourglass silhouette.

Love Handle AirSculpt® is a minimally invasive body contouring procedure because it doesn't use general anesthesia throughout the fat extraction process, significantly minimizing the downsides and risks of traditional flank and love handle liposuction.

There Are More Benefits Found in AirSculpt® Procedures 

The minimally invasive factors and benefits do not end there. Love Handle AirScupt doesn't use scalpels, stitches, needles, or drains while offering permanent results in one session.

Instead of a scalpel, we use a biopsy punch to form a perfectly symmetrical two-millimeter opening from which the fat is extracted. The procedure doesn't use stitches because the tiny opening is naturally left to heal, leaving a mark the size of a freckle, meaning no large scarring will be found on your sides or abdomen.

Regarding the fat extraction process, the patented AirSculpt® cannula uses a mechanical movement of 1,000 cycles per minute to precisely pluck fat cell-by-cell from your sides, allowing our surgeons to artistically contour your body without damaging any of the surrounding tissues.

Because of our patented and advanced technology, the downtime for the Love Handle AirSculpt® is an average of 48 hours, which is ideal for anyone with a hectic schedule.

The Best Candidates for Love Handle AirSculpt®

While there are essentially no requirements to undergo an AirSculpt® procedure, ideal candidates may have already experimented and committed themselves to a healthier lifestyle but failed to see any results.

For the AirSculpt® procedure to guarantee a long-lasting improvement, you must put in the effort to maintain those results. The remaining fat cells can still grow if you gain weight despite permanently removing the fat from your sides.

Otherwise, there are no restrictions with AirSculpt, including BMI restrictions. Anyone in overall good health and relatively good skin elasticity can opt for AirSculpt®.

We Go The Extra Mile

The bottom line is that Love Handle AirSculpt® goes the extra mile. The procedure is designed to ensure quality results without depending on the invasive surgical techniques found in traditional methods.

We're the next generation of body sculpting, helping Austin residents remove flank fat and achieve the bodies of their dreams.

For more information on how we can help you, call our Austin body contouring office or any of the 25+ AirSculpt® locations we have in North America for us to provide you with your ideal esthetic. Schedule your complimentary consultation with our body sculpting experts today.


Ready For The Defined Shape You Want?

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